Where the hell


New Member
*sigh* the only beer i can do are those non-alcoholic ones *gasp*

.... and that is just PLAIN WRONG!!


yep .. the other day she asked me for an O'Douls ... umm.. that's like asking a Vampire for Holy Water .. never touch the stuff :D

*hugs lil sis* hey girl ...didja miss me?

Squigster - nope, I'm not preggers .. is that an offer? ;) :D


Felix Culpa
I'm trying...I'm trying. BUt I'll be damned if I can post relavent stuff on JJR, OTC AND Xi.... Perhaps a few rules....hmmm

I can post socially relavent here, Fluff on OTC and Religious-bent stuff on JJR's ?

They've mostly forgotten about me on JJR...I could always go insane and climb a high tower and shoot off my mouth on JJR...

Take out a few innocent bystanders...add fuel to the fire.

Too much trouble...maybe


New Member
Why don't you just duplicate your threads in all three places and see what you get? We used to have that a lot between JJR and Xi. I don't mind if you don't.

I setup my ignore list today at OTC so I may be posting more there now. :)

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I really don't see a point in having an ignore list. I prefer to ignore whole threads that don't interest me, which currently means almost all threads there...


Felix Culpa
That only works for a while though...there are some good threads which get highjacked. SOmetimes for the good, and sometimes for the bad. I prefer to read as much of the thread as possible and comment intelligently, but sometimes that goes astray as well.


New Member
It makes it easier to ignore a lot of the useless back and forth that goes on. The way it used to be, you wouldn't see their post at all and you wouldn't even know it was there. But now it shows you their name and gives you the option of opening their post in a new window. It also makes scrolling through the thread faster.


Felix Culpa
Hi Gato...we're discussing why a lot of core OTCers are beeing seen on Xi again. Speaking of which...welcome back!

GOt all the sand out of your undies yet?


Felix Culpa
Originally posted by Professur
Body check?

That would depend on the body in question :)