Where Are YOU???????????????


Everday People
I am perplexed as to what is going on not only here but all over it seems. I belong to a few *cough cough* boards and they all are slow as snails and they are probably fighting just to stay up as without members I know and realize that they go nowhere.

I was at first thinking that it was the summer months and once the weather changed people would go back indoors and sit down once again and enjoy the forums but I'm wrong and cannot figure out the reason why. I know that ever since the terrorist attack things have been drawn tightly and all but is that a reason to leave the place or places that you so happily frequented and so often?

OK I know that the answers to this are even going to be limited and also alot of us not knowing what and why we all are so slow but I just hope that this year which has seemed to be a bad one for alot of ones that I know will go away when we welcome in 2002 and hopefully get back to where we were if not farther along,:confused:


I am not very optimisic. I think one of the reasons for Xi being slow is that people love the chatroom too much to bother coming here to post.


Everday People
Then the purpose of the board is being defeated by the board itself. If it is here to teach and show others less fortunate and knowlegable it has distracted from it greatly.:(


I can't go into the chatroom because I'm behind a firewall here at work ... and I enjoy the board because it allows me to carry on conversations at my leisure - when I have the time or when I have something to say.

I do hope more people will post here on the board - it keeps life interesting when I'm tired of work :D


Neo said:
Nalani, For you i always leave the light on...:D

if you didn't end that statement with that silly grin, I might give you a reason to leave the light on ;)
