What possesses them to do this?


Staff member
It's like my brothers take everything I say as the only thing that they have to listen to. I tell them not to go in one room and they go into another room EVEN IF I have previously told them NOT to. Take, for example, today

I walked into my room to meet a $50 sound card and a bunch of my favorite CDs all broken up with a hammer (I know which sound card it was because I can make out the remnants of the name as being one of them, that and I stepped on the metal slot part that screws into the case when I walked in), all that was shattered into a thousand pieces and then mixed up with my coke (and beer) tab collection, and this concoction was strewn about the floor.

Just a few short hours earlier, I was stressing to them how important it was that they do NOT enter the office (where my computers are) because it took me 3 hours to repair the damage to my hardware they did recently

SO, on a technicality, in that I never actually spoke the words, "Do not go into my room"... THEY GO INTO MY ROOM AND TEAR IT UP!

This happens every f!@$%!^ time! EVERY F!#(^%*! TIME!

I tell them not to enter my room, so they enter the office and F*(! everything up.

Next day, I tell them not to enter the office, SO THEY F(!*#%@ ENTER MY F!(#^!# ROOM AND F&*(!#% TEAR EVERY !%( @#!^ F*(#%^* THING I F(@#*%( HAVE IN MY F*(*#^! ROOM!

I tell them not to enter the office OR my room, so they work up a cry and get permission from someone else to let them freely enter whichever room I'm not in and tear it up.




I swear I am going to tear their tiny little heads off. I can hear it now. "Mom, dennis is being mean! He's making us pick stuff up and we don't wanna!"

"You're mean, you won't let us play computer games!"

"I hate you, Dennis! You're a big jerk!"

They will pull out every trick and they will pull out all the stops and they will use every line in the book and get mom's sympathy, and then I GET TO CLEAN THE MESS UP!

Please excuse me while the heat from my head builds up to an amount about a billion times stronger than a dozen antimatter bombs.


Staff member
Then I turn out to be just as bad as them, and what's worse is that I get in more trouble for doing something in return than they do for doing it in the first place!


Staff member
Well, if your mom won't let you duct tape them to the chairs, I suggest getting a couple of hasps and combination locks. Hasps are prolly less than 2 bucks at the hardware store. Screw them right to the door frames. Lock one or both rooms as necessary.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Man, my kids did any of that, they wouldn't be able to sit for a week. Not one of them pulls that crap. One of them tried to pull the ask mommy after asking daddy. All five learned real quite that was a big no-go. As for the computers, they know...they screw one thing up and they get pulled off for a month. I'm the strict one, yes. But these kids aren't getting spoiled for shit. All get treated the same. All get punished the same. High school or 2nd grade. No favorites here.

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
How about sitting on them so they can't move, lick you hand thwn smack in the face until they promise never to touch your stuff again. That or like Q said, put locks on you doors.


Mushroom at large
Or you could just sell them. Get a nice korean family to take them off your hands. You get peace and quite, they get extra farm hands. Everybody's happy.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
EVERY person with siblings has asked this question innumerable times throughout thier childhood. They do it to get attention & because they're not supposed to. You did it, every member on this board has done it, whether to parents/siblings/friends/spouses/etc., it's the human condition-trying to express independence when one is totally dependent is an art that all adults have forgetten.
Q probably has the best idea & you as the big brother are equally at fault-haven't you heard of reverse-psychology? When you said "no" in the past & they heard "go ahead", YOU should have learned. Welcome to a very small piece of adulthood Flurff-it sux....(except being able to buy beer-thats okay)

I feel for ya, been there-done that


Staff member
Originally posted by Q
Well, if your mom won't let you duct tape them to the chairs, I suggest getting a couple of hasps and combination locks. Hasps are prolly less than 2 bucks at the hardware store. Screw them right to the door frames. Lock one or both rooms as necessary.

We installed chain locks on our front and back doors to try to prevent them from getting out. They figured out in a few days that they could either climb out a window or get up on a chair and remove the chain to get outside. The locks on the doors have been broken from them repeatedly banging on the doorknobs.

Originally posted by PostCode
Man, my kids did any of that, they wouldn't be able to sit for a week. Not one of them pulls that crap. One of them tried to pull the ask mommy after asking daddy. All five learned real quite that was a big no-go. As for the computers, they know...they screw one thing up and they get pulled off for a month. I'm the strict one, yes. But these kids aren't getting spoiled for shit. All get treated the same. All get punished the same. High school or 2nd grade. No favorites here.

Punishment never sets in on these little brats. I don't understand. Dad used to be real good at setting them straight and telling them not to do something, and they would remember it! Yesterday, he specifically told them if they enter the office without my permission, they'd get a butt kicking. They said OK. When we got home, I told them again to remember what dad said about the butt kicking part if they would get into the office. Know what they just did this morning? I walked in here to find one of my computers laying on its side (don't know what kind of damage has been done yet), all my Athlon and Duron case stickers removed from the paper they were on and stuck all over my monitor and desk, a few of my books were sitting on the floor with paint marker drawn on them, my ethernet cables received a nice coating of pepsi, and my Logitech Optical mouse now has nice, deep scratches on it from the scissors they had out. I don't think they really care about consequences :mad:

Originally posted by Gonzo
EVERY person with siblings has asked this question innumerable times throughout thier childhood. They do it to get attention & because they're not supposed to. You did it, every member on this board has done it, whether to parents/siblings/friends/spouses/etc., it's the human condition-trying to express independence when one is totally dependent is an art that all adults have forgetten.
Q probably has the best idea & you as the big brother are equally at fault-haven't you heard of reverse-psychology? When you said "no" in the past & they heard "go ahead", YOU should have learned. Welcome to a very small piece of adulthood Flurff-it sux....(except being able to buy beer-thats okay)

I feel for ya, been there-done that

I played that game before. They take "Yes" as a "Go ahead" too.


i am my my own evil twin
all your spare hardware etc - in heavy, multilock boxes.

all your siblings in heavy, multilock boxes. :D

fit a vertical bar-lock to the doors - rather than a point lock [bolts etc] the lock is a bar running top-bottom that fits into the frame.
that stops locks getting broken from banging [the police in the uk hate these locks as even the pheumatic door openers can't bust them quickly]

how old are the kids? drive them out somewhere distant and dump them :D

sorry to hear that your younger family are being b***ards, start looking for a new place to live and ban them until they reach legal drinking age.


Staff member
That's messed up flurf. You need to call your dad and make him take a couple hours out of his day to come over to your house and deal with them. I guarantee they don't think he will and that's why they are keeping this shit up.
Also, if you put them in their room, make them stay in there for what ever time you set, don't back down after a couple hours cuz you feel guilty and make sure they clean up the room while they're in there ( my stepdaughter was real big on throwing shit all over the place cuz she was pissed off she had to be in her room, well, she didn't get to come out when her time was up unless the room was spotless)


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
they do it because they love you and want your attention. for some reason they have come to the conclusion that the only way to get the attention that they yearn for is to mess up your stuff. I know, I have two younger bros'-

They mess you up, you pay them attention.

It's all about positive feedback.

"Hey, I'll let you play with my computer all you want IF you don't mess up my stuff" is better than "If you mess up my stuff you can't play with my computer".

It's all about putting on thier shoes. Make a game of it. Tell them, hey for one day I'll be the little bro and you can boss me around. Then when they heartily agree, go in and break thier Poke'mon stuff (just don't mess with the CARD COLLECTION and you should be OK).

>>Punishment never sets in on these little brats. I don't understand. Dad used to be real good at setting them straight and telling them not to do something, and they would remember it! Yesterday, he specifically told them if they enter the office without my permission, they'd get a butt kicking. They said OK. When we got home, I told them again to remember what dad said about the butt kicking part if they would get into the office. Know what they just did this morning? <<

#! Again, positive reinforcement. "Hey, I won't rat on you if you clean up my room when you are finished playing with the computer".

And, #2 too many parents now aday's threaten physical punishment when they know that they can't follow through. That is a BAD thing to threaten. When they don't get spanked it reinforces their belief that they got one over on you.


One of a Kind
I have a younger sister (who is spawn of Satan) and she does the same kind of shit. She tries to be annoying onpurpose and it drives me NUTS! Not to mention that everything she does is accompanied by Britney Spears or that Christina Aguliara chicks music! She NEVER cleans up her mess and always ruins my makeup! SHe like to apply half a tube of lipstick and then kiss the walls! Ugh!

Her problem is that my mother has lost all hope of carrying any mothering skills or nature and ignores my sister. My mom drinks beer and plays on the computer ALL night! No cleaning, cooking, helping with homework, nothing like that. ANd my little sister tries everything she can to get my mom's attention.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
So now...did they get the butt kicken'? My kids know that if I say that will happen...that's exactly what will happen. No if's and's or butt's about it. they know the deal. Screw up...pay the piper. SImple as that.


Staff member
yup, they got a butt kicking :D Still have not learned their lesson though


It's time to acquaint them with nice big phone directories :) Hit them repeatedly till they black out. If that doesn't teach them then the gradual loss of brain matter will slow them down.


Everday People
I missed their ages but how about some reverse psychology? Why not out of old parts build them a puter and when tha is happening show them what it takes to do one and your doing this for them and hopefully they would have their own and also cherish not only it but that you took the time to show them all about it. Just a thought. BD


Dear fellow. You have extremely deepened issue. Purchase several yellow skirts and force your will on those varment’s to walk to a local shopping mall and tour the town insuring these scavengers to have maximum humiliation. :cry:


Everday People
If drastic measures are what's needed how about going into their room and destroying one of their precious things in front of them?