Ok, let's deal with these questions one at a time, shall we?
But first....let me say the word OSHA (occupational saftey hazard assholes)
Steel toed work boots must be worn on feet...I have no doubt that the regulations are specifically written calling for the shoes to be worn on the feet, because some smart ass came to work with his shoes on his head, but technically he was
wearing them, so OSHA couldn't collect their $20,000 fine. I assure you the regs were rewritten the very next day.
A hard hat is also required. It also, must be worn on the appropriate body part. ie, the head. Having one in your truck, in your hand, or in your tool bucket, does not count. You will be evicted from the job, for not wearing a hard hat on your head. (apparently OSHA has failed to realize that altering your hard hat in any way, compromises the integrity of this $8.00 lifesaver, thereby, voiding the warranty and jeopradizing the life of the wearer) ...now my own personal hard hat has been altered many times....I spray painted it purple...but I didn't prime it, so the paint didn't stick too good...also after a few months of Florida sun, it turned a dreadful shade of blue. In honor of s4, I took Elmers wood glue and applied tin foil to it. It was very stylish, but after awhile the tinfoil, like the paint, came off. It is currently sporting leopard wrapping paper, which I have applied a coat of polyurethane to, to prevent this pesky peeling problem. I have also caulked a couple of those stuffed animal kind of rolly plastic eyes on the back.
I take great comfort in the fact that, in the event I don't die, being pile driven into the ground by a 4 ton concrete beam (assuming my head is still intact, due to my trusty hard hat) that I will be able to sue OSHA, for not enforcing the hard hats may not be altered rule. Perhaps, they have never read the instructions inside the hats.
#3 underwear on heads....not practical....everyone would need twice as much underwear...sounds like an advertizing ploy from Fruit of the Loom and /or Michael Jordan.
Hamburgers DO NOT eat people..plain and simple
And finally, toilets DO flush backwards, depending on what part of the world you're on.
...any more questions?