What if there was no time?


Staff member
Do you think the world would be a lot different today if there were no time?

If people didn't have to wait in line for 20 minutes to get a ticket to a sports event?

If tests weren't limited to 3 hours?

I don't mean in the literal sense that everything would happen instantly, I mean how would the world be different if there were no watches, clocks, timers, etc that reminded you that you've been waiting for "x" minutes or it's "y" hours until you get to go home... What if there was no need for a sense of time?

One thing is for sure, there would be a lot less impatience. And probably a lot less people showing up late for work.

Anyone brave enough to respond?


Staff member
I like the idea of no time as well. Although making the transition to a time-less world may take quite a long time and be quite a drastic measure, I do believe that it would amount to less confusion and frustration over times and dates.

Screw making an appointment. If you need to go see the doctor, go see the friggin doctor.

Screw setting up a date to meet that hot chick you want to bang. Call her up and say "Hey, let's go out for dinner now."

Time does nothing but cause confusion and it should be eliminated in every way possible.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
read Stephen Hawkings "A Brief History of Time" to get the full insignificance of time.


Have you been drinking? "If you needed to see a doctor...see a doctor". Half the town comes down some illness and they all flock in at once not caring about making an appointment. That's what hospitals are for. They are called emergencies.

There is real good reason for having the concept of time. It gives everyone a reference to work with. It would be utter chaos without it. You would find competition went up instead of down. Everyone would want to be the first or next to do everything.

However, I think there is such a thing as taking it easy and planning ahead. Have you ever seen the episode of the Andy Griffith Show where a preacher from another town came to visit to deliver a sermon? He starts off real slow and then starts raising his voice up and "slow down, take it easy, what's your hurry?". Everyone begins falling asleep on him while he is talking. That was the point of the sermon that he made. Very funny episode.


Official Wine Taster
I think a bit more in the abstract, as this crowd is well familier.......
With the eternal God of Heaven there is no time. (Notice 'ow tomorrow never comes. Every day ya wake up it's called "today".)
There is no "time" with God. He is past, present an' future at the same time. Eternity is not measurable. The souls of men require a measurement, but "time's" purpose is only temporary. It serves us for only a short while. In the end it will seem the insignificant thing it really is, an' finally a few will be truly free of it's hold.:)