[quoteurl=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,57817,00.html]Man Bites Dog That Bit His Dog
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
NEW YORK — Man bites dog: The journalistic cliche of what makes interesting news came true Saturday morning when a Long Island man chomped down on a pit bull to save his Siberian husky's life, police said.
Richard Robbins, 44, said he was walking his three dogs Saturday morning when three pit bulls dashed from their owner's side and one attacked his husky, Gina Marie.
But instead of just standing by, dog's best friend proved loyal and leaped to the defense of his furry companion.
"I wasn't going to watch my dog die," Robbins told the Daily News. "I bit right into the top of his head."
Robbins sank his teeth into the attacking pit bull's head, leaving marks.
In return, Robbins suffered multiple puncture wounds.
Suffolk County Police Lt. Kenneth Fasano said Gina Marie "would have been severely injured or even killed" without Robbins' intervention.
The pit bulls' owner faces charges of assault and reckless endangerment.[/quoteurl]