We're getting ours, finally


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Damn, what a terrible time to be a white guy in America. We can't get away with squat anymore. Look at the news, listen to the radio, watch TV-the anglo/saxon male has become the joke & the bad guy.

Andrea Yates-(former) mother of 5, closed the drain, filled the tub, had time to plan & carry out the execution of her 5 children, some of which were running, SCREAMING through the house, until she caught them. She had the nerve to hold her babies down, under the water, until they drowned. One by one, this was done. One by one, she MURDERED the flesh of her flesh. But, since we live in these socio/economical times, and political correctness has gone from open & honest intellectualism to making sure white guys get the shaft, she's looking at people, WOMEN, who call in radio talk shows & say "I can kind of understand her doing that" in those exact or near exact words. Even her idiot husband is supporting her. bUT SEE, IT ISN'T HER FAULT, SHE SUFFERS FROM POST PARTUM DEPRESSION!!! What would the PC crowd be saying if daddy had done such an awful & inhumane deed?

Charles J. Bishop-(former) student, student pilot & acne sufferer.
Police said they found a suicide note on 15 year old Bishop's body...
Bad enough, but wait there's more...
Bishop's mother and his teachers and fellow students at East Lake High School near Clearwater have all said they could not understand why he would kill himself. They said he was a patriotic American who was outraged by the Sept. 11 attacks
OK, so this patriotic American kid with a learners pilots license is not a likely suspect in a terrorist act-BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID-commit a terrorist act agianst the United States of America & the Bank of America. But nooooooooooo, not this kid-he HAS to be a victim-so what do we find? "...a prescription for Accutane..." Oh good, it's not his fault, its'the FAULT OF A DRUG.

Thomas Junta-accused of "beating to death", another man, at his son's hockey practice. This case hinges on the size difference-Junta is 6'1" & 270lbs(fat) & the dead guy was 6' & 160lbs. The dead guy attacked Junta & then got flipped over his shoulder & punched thrice, any of which may have been the fatal blow. BUT, HE"S A WHITE GUY IN AMERICA. There has yet to be a single caller to come to his defense. He works for a living and takes responsibility for the death. He claims self-defense, not some drug or some nervous/mental/psychological affliction. So, I say we follow the feel good bad white guy mentality of today & hang his ass.

If you're caucasian & male YOU ARE BAD. Never mind that white guys built this nation, with the help of slaves, chinese laborers & women-we suppressed them, enslaved them & caused their entire future to go into the toilet. All this was done with such vigorousness & enthusiasm that the effects are felt more than 130 years after the abolishment of slavery & their right to vote, and 80 years after women received the amendment for the right to vote. And we won't mention that the Asian population has the LOWEST percentage of illiteracy & poverty in America.

yes, the American Indian has a right to bitch, to this day-because we're still crapping on the treaties(but now, women, blacks & Asians are in the mix too)

Whatever happened to responsibility? Why is it that crimes have to have an outside factor if you're not a white guy? Will we, as a people, ever get past this nonsense? and most importantly, what affliction can I claim, I hate to work for a living..:D


New Member
Gonzo said:
Whatever happened to responsibility? Why is it that crimes have to have an outside factor if you're not a white guy?

True. Andrea Yates is at fault. So is Bishop. I think the people in general, and the justice syste, are too sympathetic these days.

When the Xerox shooter, Byran Uesugi, killed seven of his co-workers in Hawai'i, he went on trial and his defense used that bullshit "insane plea". Hello!! Why is that even allowed? Don't you have to be insane to murder someone in the first place?


Staff member
The media has truly fucked up the way this country was.

If you think about it for a minute, you will realize that this is true. Where would we be today without the media, at least the blood sucking, rumor starting greedy bastards that just want to get the exclusive scoop on a story so they get their name printed on the front page? Well, you can pretty much guarantee people would damn sure be taking responsibility, instead of blaming it on a drug or on a mental condition or on a video game or on a lack of a safety lock on a gun. The media is what I firmly believe this era of irresponsibility stems from, because all the rumors started that Doom caused the Columbine shootings, soccer caused children to become rebellious (remember that one?!), drugs caused Bishop to crash into a bank building, post-partum depression caused Yates to kill her children, etc... None of this would've happened, but the media took advantage of their influence over all the dumb people in the world and subconsciously programmed them to never take responsibility for their own actions again.

Am I even close to being in the ballpark with this one?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Ku-interestingly enough, if you look at the history of the insanity defense, those who are found not guilty by reason of insanity get more time, in general, than those who are imprisoned. The one catch is-someone can, at any point, say they are "cured".

Fury-I don't & can't blame the media-it is what makes America tick.Without a free & open press, then the Nixons & Packwoods of the world can run rampant. However, I DO blame capitalism for the downturn of the media. At a point in history, the press didn't care about cash inflow. Then some asswipe CEO at CBS asked the worst of all questions-"why is the news department losing money?" So here we sit... The media is supposed to be the watchdog for the average joe, but then their paychecks got fatter & the bonuses better.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Hold on just a sec. Gonz, you're blaming capitalism for the "I'm not to blame" society we live in now? Can't have your cake and eat it, too, man.

Capitalism is the ultimate in personal responsibility. If you don't have the smarts and initiative to go get what's out there, you die. Period. You are completely responsible for yourself and your actions under pure capitalism.

The problem is that this system has been twisted and perverted by well-meaning persons who never want to see anyone "fall below average". After all, what is the last recourse for someone who wants to abstain from taking any personal responsibility? The courts. And they'll usually win.

Thus the problem isn't the economic system, it's the system of laws and the way that they're enforced which is causing the issues. Where do laws and courts originate? Government. I suggest you re-aim at those boys and girls (particularly those who lean left).


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Homey-I don't blame capitalism for anything else, but in order to run a free press, it is a hinderence;ie-"tonights top stories:Brittney shows her boobs, can topless dancers be good moms & daughters-a special report, and oh yea this-a nuclear device was set off in Bagdad today-full story after our feature movie-I was a nekid teenage prom queen from blood creek, starring Valerie Van Halen." or some crap to that effect.

Our laws are, at times, a joke, but it still doesn't mean the jury has to give out 2.5million for some old woman spilling hot coffee on herself.

It's hard to make good press if the worst bad guy is the top advertiser in your rag. Back to responsibility, isn't a free press supposed to report the news & not make it. That's where the capitalism thing comes in. There should be little, if any, personal opinion in a non-editorial, "just the facts, ma'am".


this is my special title
The media is a business. It always has been. It always will be. Its all about viewership ratings turning into advertising dollars. What drives up the ratings? The evil of the world ... or Britney waggling her ta tas for the camera?


I am not going to leave my original comments here, but this topic pisses me off.:mad:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Oh, I'll agree that the media is appealing to the lowest common denominator. My argument is that this is an effect, not a cause.

The cause is the steady degradation of the willingness of most folks to accept personal responsibility and take approriate action. I lay the blame for that cause at the feet of Congress and the courts.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member

Junta was convicted-not surprising, since he's a white guy with no excuse like PPD or didn't use Accutane or wasn't a victim of some sort or other.


Muhammad Ali is getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame-cool, he deserves it, but wait, there's a catch-it will not be put on the sidewalk, it'll go on a nearby wall because "it shouldn't get stepped on" AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Oh and another thing-remember this pic

see the black firefighter & hispanic firefighter? me neither. but, in interest of cultural diversity, the sculpture going up at a Brooklyn FireStation, with take 2 of the 3 white guys out & replace them with a black & a hispanic. hmmmmmm


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s4 said:
I am not going to leave my original comments here, but this topic pisses me off.:mad:

Nope. This is such a lubbly day that I feel like singin'. Heck, I might even do a little dance too.


Everday People
OK I'm going to jump in without a flame suit either on this topic as it also ticks me off quite a bit. I understand who I am and where I came from and what my religion,polotics,racial views,work ethics and all the other stuff. Problem with me and this topic is that how many of us have a bad day or get ticked off at the boss or co-worker? Who wants to flip the bird at the idiot who just cut you off doing 75mph? Who would like to kick someone's a$$ just because he bad mouthed you or someone you loved?

OK all of us I hope have these feelings and let me now ask you how many of us have gone out and shot,stabbed,raped,sodimized,ran off the road,robbed etc etc etc????????????

If you have the power to go and do something and I think it has to be no hostess twinkee defenses either than you or I should burn for our crimes. Why is it that victims have no rights and criminals have all sorts?

Politically correct in this world/country is just a bunch of sorry a$$ people letting others get away with murder in my mind,


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
I think our legal system is BUILT on excuses. Publiizing your excuses just guarentees that the jury will know them so you don;t have to take the stand and actually DEFEND YOURSELF. Lawyers go hand in hand with Public Relations Specialists now adays (ASSUMING YOU CAN AFFORD BOTH, that is your best chance of winning your case).

I, personally, think the death penalty should apply to all violent crime that leads to serious injury (ESPECIALLY FORCIBLE RAPE).

And all those people are GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY....... It makes me physically sick that people like that even have a platform for their 'pity party'. They should be burnt at the stake, and media presence FOR THAT being obligatory.

In the drowning case, you let that BITCH free, and what is she going to do? I'll let the more imaginative answer that.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Gonzo said:

see the black firefighter & hispanic firefighter? me neither. but, in interest of cultural diversity, the sculpture going up at a Brooklyn FireStation, with take 2 of the 3 white guys out & replace them with a black & a hispanic. hmmmmmm

Gonz, the memorial is supposed to honor those firefighters that were killed . . . white, black and hispanic alike. It makes sense to me.

IMO, this has nothing to do with cultural diversity. Just a sad fact of events that took place that day.


Staff member
Wir gaben Ihnen eine Antwort nicht, weil wir nicht die Frage verstanden. :)