Wonga said:
Is there a GUI version of G@H? Last time I tried it it was a command line version, and I was too dumb to work out how to get it to work from startup (probably just had to put it in Startup, yeah?) and go from where it finished the last time. Maybe I was just being thick. Can anyone explain?
Genome@home is a command-line only thingamajig. To get it to start up automatically, hold in control and drag the icon from the Genome@home folder (in the Programs menu) into the Startup folder. The setup is farily straightforward:
1) Start the client
2) Enter the username you signed up with on the Genome@Home website
3) Enter the team number you wish to join (XiBase's is 848498771, hint

4) Just hit enter for everything else, unless you need to configure it to have access through a firewall.
Let it fetch a unit and finish the first sequence to where it says "Designing protein sequence 2 of 30", and then you can close it with Ctrl-C. Once you start it back up, it will start on sequence 2. Every time you close it, its progress will be reverted to 0% of the sequence it was working on at the time you close it. For example, if you close it at 90% on Sequence 17, when it starts back up, it will start at 0% on sequence 17.
Your statistics page would be http://gah.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/userpage.pl?q=
username where
username is what you signed up as. Once you finish a unit, expect it to show up on your stats page within about 6 hours of the time you uploaded it.
Any more questions?