Well I just resigned from the lightside


SWM 40 seeking truth
Face it Huge... they are not in the business of "community". Whatever they were before, they are strictly business now. They don't care if you post once or post 1000 times, as long as you click on one of their ads. If you want a hardware question answered I'm sure HWC is the place to go, but if you want to connect with other people from all over the world... possibly make friendships to last a lifetime... you're in the right place here!


Staff member
Wonder if there will be any more mass exoduses (exodii?) from HWC

the first one (at least the first I've known of) was to force3d if I'm not mistaken...

Here's hopin the next one will be to here :beerchug:

And another one hoping XiBase never gets bought out by a huge corporation and gets censored. :beerchug:

(I'm sure a certain member whom posesses the same name as a muppet will agree with me :D)


The only thing left over there is people that stay because they don't know any better.


mofo extraordinaire
While not part of the Old gang, did get some licks in. Saw that old timers noticed a change long before the closure of OT. I was born into those changes I didn't noticed, had no reference.
Have a sense of what might have happened. My exsperience with Kali and Online Gaming organizing program. New people arrived, Old timers left when lack of interest took over. Soon only a small core of old timers where left and allot of Newbies. While it is sad, it could be a fact of life as well, it was inevitable.
The Frontier is the real constant. Yourself and others jointly adapting to it, can have it's own sense of community. That or until the Beans run out :D
regards Bronto


Staff member
I think a big part of the problem was in fact between the newbies and the old timers. The newbies were practically the reason the OT forum was eventually closed at least from my view, because eventually the newbies that chose the spam/garbage route majorly overpowered both the newbies AND the few old timers who were left who preferred worthy topics.

The internet.com people got discouraged by this eventual overrun of noise over signal, because they aren't really a site dedicated to maintaining a OT community, and didn't want to answer to TPTB about the content of the OT forums anymore, so *poof* GONE. I could be wrong though.

I'm sure they hated to see it go as well, but like it has been said, the almighty dollar rules. Actually I've noticed it's been a lot cleaner ever since the closing of OT... maybe it was for the best

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Yeah me too. I always avoided posting anything that can't be classified as constructive, but like you've said I can't help myself. I think it's that guy Eric. "the <50 people that posted in OT!". WHAT THE HELL! :mad: In what trash dump they found that asshole. What a loser!
Huge I can understand how hard it must have been to make this decision. It only made grow even more my consideration for you. I wonder how much time will take for them to lose Toolbox and Maxout too.

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
HWC was the first posting site I joined. I find when ever I ask a computer question I get more answers here or at JJR's than at HWC. The folks there just aren't as friendly. I maybe go there one a week just to read stuff.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I still drift by 3-5 times a week, depending on my time constraints. I'll help people out, and wasn't much for the OT forum there, anyway. It's still been om a severe downhill ride for a few months, though. I only hope they realize what a loss to the site you really are, Huge.
I feel that I have to say something here in the defense of Hardware Central... excuse me by doing so.

I know there have been many things that have gone on in the past that many of you are very unhappy with. I don't know why I haven't felt the same thing you all have. HWC is still my first home... not just because I'm an administrator there but because I still like the way things are. I must admit, when I first joined in was when it was the most fun but things are still all okay now.

I know I can't change your minds about HWC but if there is one thing that I do ask... please don't go in there and just make trouble. It makes things uglier and it makes my job harder. I've been as fair with you all as I could possibly be. In fact, I don't know what else to tell you. If you really hate the place then stay away from it and it shouldn't bother you anymore. But please, don't go in there and purposely get yourselves into trouble. I really hate having to write you e-mails stating what you did was wrong and that if you do it again, I'm going to have to take action. I just hate having to do that.

MitchSchaft, you purposely gave a newbie terrible advise and the poor guy almost formatted his HDD.

s4... you said:

The only thing left over there is people that stay because they don't know any better.

I'm staying because I like the place and not because I don't know any better.

And most of all Huge... you're value in the community will truly be missed. I don't know if there's anything I can do to help you change your mind, I'm not even going to try anymore. I just want you to know that you did a magnificent job and I truly appreciate all of the help.

That's all I have to say... I know many of you will dislike this but, that's simply what I think.

Again, I plead with you all... if you're going to post something on HWC that won't mean anything to anyone, please refrain... it makes things more difficult for me and I'm afraid it will cause personal conflist between us.

Cheers all,



Well said Toolbox, I know we frown on politics from another site spilling over into our forums but I think we all accept your plea for restraint as coming from a genuine and longstanding HWC member and one of our friends.

I for one was not sorry to see OT go... the AUP rules were there to enable internet.com to run their business and OT must have been embarrassing for them at times.

Anyway xibase is here for everyone to enjoy and if anyone from HWC is looking for a social forum to visit, this is the happening place.

And Huge, I know it was a tough call for you, but you did what you felt was right... good on ya dude. ;)


Staff member
I agree with you. I also appreciate the fact that you took the time to come over and explain the situation from you end.
I know we have some differences of opinions as to how or what can be talked about at the sites, but we should not blantantly attack or give misleading information to another member.
I Am appoligizing to you personally for letting my personal feelings get charged and posting like i did. I Should have just let it go. I do not want to make your job any harder than it is, i know what you are going thru on that.
Coming from one of the biggest names at Xibase, I am coming in here now to personally thank you as well for being understanding. I hope to get the support from you "BIG BOYS" as I know you have a great infulence on all of your members.

My sincerest thanks,


Noite Escura

The unpredictable
krusty and Toolbox , I think everyone shares my opinion when I say you both do a great job as did Huge. My problem (and the one of the most here I think) was with another individual entitled as Admin that pretends to know people better than he in fact does. Even with that I regret the fact I have did some sarcastic comments against Mr e and the site. I'm not going to delete this comments 'cos I think it's wrong. However this is NOT the feeling I want to share with the people there or here. Your advice is valid Toolbox : I'm better stay out of there...


Staff member
Eric and Housen have ruined what was my first home and I will always be bitter about it. I protested for awhile, but it seems that the admins won't listen to anybody even though there have been running protest threads in feedback for months and months.

Huge, Niteowl, TN, and I have seen the admins for what they are and have got out. I don't cause much trouble over there anymore and I would never give bad advice to a member there. But will continue to think of the admins there the same as if they killed my dog.