Hi my name is Dean , and Neo has been so nice as to let me write a few articles in the Automotive department and put up on his site for me.
I want to say thankyou very much to Neo ,and to Fury for helping me out here ,and letting me do that.
Btw Fury has done an EXCELLANT job here and needs to be comended for his efforts. Cheers to Fury for a job WELL DONE!!!
If you have car questions feel free to post them ,I will come by a couple times a day ,to help out any way that I can.
Now that were done with that ......................
How the Hell are you Rat Bastards ,you Sons of Bitches ,no good Bastiches!!!!!!!!
LoL........ ask away Im here ,and read my article if you like its about Cooling Systems ,being its Summer it seemed fitting.
Take Care you Bastiches

I want to say thankyou very much to Neo ,and to Fury for helping me out here ,and letting me do that.
Btw Fury has done an EXCELLANT job here and needs to be comended for his efforts. Cheers to Fury for a job WELL DONE!!!
If you have car questions feel free to post them ,I will come by a couple times a day ,to help out any way that I can.
Now that were done with that ......................
How the Hell are you Rat Bastards ,you Sons of Bitches ,no good Bastiches!!!!!!!!
LoL........ ask away Im here ,and read my article if you like its about Cooling Systems ,being its Summer it seemed fitting.
Take Care you Bastiches