if you are intent on leaving the font different from arial try a sans serif font over serif one - it's general publishing practice not to use serif for titles.
I appreciate your comments. I have to disagree.
First, I cannot choose "a sans-serif font" different from Arial. Notice the tags. Most of them only specify "sans-serif" Unless I want SIZE 1 bold, or it is the text of a news article. On
most browsers "sans-serif" renders as Arial. On Macs it's Helvetica. I cannot reliably specify a client-side typeface. I can only assume.
So I'm left with three choces: Serif, Sans-serif, and monospaced.
Monospaced is out, forget it.
That leaves me with serif (what your browser renders as "tnr") and sans-serif what
your browser renders as Arial.
If I want to mix faces, I have no choice but to chose one of each, as that's the only inter-platform choice I can rely on.
Your second point about publishing:
Not use serif for titles? Pick up a newspaper!
If I had my druthers, I'd make all titles sans and all text serif. That's with print resolution. With screen resolution a size 2 "tnr" is illegible. If I want to work at size 2, sans-serif is my only non-jaggy choice. (At print resolution, a serifed face is scientifically easier on the eyes for long passages. Look at any novel.)
In the larger sizes, "tnr" is legible, and useful as a contrast to the sans-serif body text.
While I really do appreciate your comments, and that you looked at my site with a critical eye (I
really wanted a comment on the colors,
thank you) Don't think I didn't give serious consideration to the font choices.
BTW the Table of Contents borrows heavily from the TOC of a 1998-era issue of Esquire magazine. Including the sans/serif mixture of faces. (Check the one with OJ on the cover.)
love that sig!