
There was a show on Discovery channel a few weeks ago about this very subject that was very convincing. I personally believe there will be a catastrophic event within the next few 100/1000 years that will anihlate the earth and 98% of all living things on it.

Yeah those comet-collisions are a bitch nowadays....

But I really wish that mankind would take them a little bit more serious. NASA are paying attention to near-earth comets, but cannot cover the whole universe at the moment. I think this is an important issue, especially because engineers are capable to do something about those collisions with the current level of technology.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Are you referring to that mega-tsunami (sp?) PM? There was an article on yahoo yesterday about that. I'll see if I can dig it up.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
I saw one show on Meteors that said that MORE people work in a McDonalds restaraunt than are watching and tracking Meteors within the general vicinity of Earth.

F#@#*& IT, everyone gonna die sooner or later (even Bill Gates, that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in itself).

I am no longer afraid to fly.


I'm not sure that I'm gonna be too sorry if it gets a few folks that I can't stand.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Tsunamis, earthquakes, tornado's, (super)volcano's, flood, famine, heat, hurricanes, and all other natural disasters have been around longer than humans & will be here after H.Sapien has moved on to other species. or dies out altogether. The threat we have today is hyper-sensitivity to these disasters because of overt coverage by a national media that suddenly has 24 hours per day, 7 days per week & 365+ day per year to fill the TV screen to keep mom & pop Jones &/or Saddam Hussein entertained. Instant access to coverage of flooding in India has a more immediate impact than 10 day old newspaper photos. The threat is to our psyche, except in the case of those DIRECTLY affected, in which, I'd guess, 95% know of the threat before it happens & choose to ignore it. I was happy living in an earthquake zone, now I'm in tornado alley & an area prone to blizzards. Q lives in the path of approxiamately 12 hurricanes per year. Postcode is going to get blown to bits by an overactive volcano. Collectively and singularly, everybody here is at threat from some natural disaster.survival of the fittest -cruel & devastating & necessary.


Everday People
I remember some years back when all the planets were all going to line up for the first time and everyone was worried and I went out and bought some new wheels figuring heck I won't have to pay for it any way. Oh well! BD