Wanted - unused 8gig hdd IDE


New Member
please don't laugh, but I'm looking for an 8 gig hdd to make this beastie a little more useful for awhile longer, looking for new unwrapped, let me know if you've got one sitting on a shelf under the dust :D


New Member
:confuse3: uh, I dunno, let me get back to you...

Thanks :)

I can't believe I posted an "I dunno" with out this guy! :confuse3: :laugh:


New Member

That's what I was about to reply, I am a total newbie to all of this, still learning, and don't yet feel up to that, so I think I'm better off sticking to 8g for now. If I messed anything up, I'd have no resource i.e. internet for help. Thanks anyway, all, I'm gonna play better safe than sorry :D


Staff member
Man, are these suckers hard to find!

if you can get away with an 8.4:

Here's one for a dollar :D

Two dollars

Les, do you have a windows cd to install on this new HDD? I couldn't find any new ones, but even a used one probably won't have an OS installed on it.


New Member
yeah, I've got the 2k cd, so with my 98 one i have a choice of two OS, so if one doesn't work, I have a backup! :D

Thanks Q, that's great! The day I posted this, I browsed ebay, got to page 13 :eek: before I found even one!

I'll take a look! Thanks again! :headbang: