US Students flunk history


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
...and oral history is correct???? c'mon ku'u, that's silly


New Member
Nope, oral history isn't accurate either. I'm saying history in textbooks that they teach in school is generally the interpretation of old farts that write history how they see it and not how it actually happened.



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
ok...I thougth you were implying oral history was superior. my mistake.

History is written by the winners.


Official Wine Taster
HINDSIGHT: Lookin' back at my growin' up years in school, I wish I woulda been aware of the value of knowin' History!

I'm interested, much more so now, though I confess it takes a conscious effort to apply myself to it still.

Knowledge of it seems to give one a greater sense of purpose an' destiny.

Ignorance of it seems to give the opposite. I find truth in the sayin', "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it".

Perhaps part of the problem with my lack of interest in History as taught in school was the "ho-hum" borin' way it was presented in class, by the teachers I had.

Think if I'd learned it from a teacher who was enthusiastic, an' presented it like he knew the value of knowin' it, I mighta paid more attention, (though I doubt it, 'cause I was too busy gettin' high before class):lurk:


New Member
History is important, seeing as it repeats itself throughout the centuries. But Gonz is right, it's written by the winning side, so its not a fair interpretation of what happened.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Most history that is taught in school is ground level stuff. If you find an interest in it there are more than enough sources to get lots more interpretations & points of view. Whether it's fully accurate is a matter of which side writes the information. Either side has to have it's feet in reality though. If it doesn't, then everybody notices (take the Palestinian/Isreali problem right now-the Palestinians are just plain nuts & incorrect in their information.)