US Congressman Says Afghanistan Should Be Nuked



[QUOTEURL=]U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer (R. Ind) has called on the country to use tactical nuclear weapons in its war against terrorism and says they should be dropped on Afghanistan just to prove a point.[/QUOTEURL]

I've noticed that people are cooling off over what happened on the 11th of Sept. I for one am still pissed off about it and would like to see bin Ladens head chopped off.

[I edited my post because I don't want people getting the wrong idea of what I originally said.]


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I didn't vote for him in the past & now I'll actively oppose him. What a stupid & thoughtless thing to say.


I agree it's a little carried away, but in light of recent news stories in which Powell is saying that it could be over soon, it seems to me that we (the US) have not accomplished what we (the US) set out to do. Bin Laden has not been found, and his gang of thugs are still out there. I think our Secretary of State should go back and look at the rubble at NY again before he starts sucking up to diplomats in Arab countries telling them that we are about finished. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, but he was one of the people that pulled out of Iraq before finishing the job. We've (the US) had Saddam to put up with ever since.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Nukes will accomplish nothing until we have a big fat confirmed target. Like Saddam. If Iraq is responsible for the Anthrax (though I honestly don't think the US Government knows WTF is going on with that), then they should be nuked (or respond in kind with Chemical/Biological).

I hate to say it (no, noone is forgetting Sept 11th, we ARE ALL MAD AS HELL), but we need to get to the bottom of this and deal with it by all means available.

My belief is that the the plan is to make a clean sweep of all terrorist sponsered states starting with Afgahnistan and working westward (Pakistan first, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,.....).

The biggest problem we face now is that Israel wants to up the ante and strike hard from the west and meet us in the middle.

But as far as all the Bio attacks. We NEED A BIG FAT TARGET NOW!!!!!!!


I think Israel should stay out of it and let the US take care of itself.

I am not for using nukes unless it is absolutely necessary to defend our nation. I think Saddam could be dealt with without using them. I knew at the time of the Gulf War that Saddam was going to remain a problem. I don't know why the hell we didn't finish him off.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
PapaDoc, Noriega, Saddam, Prince Abdullah etc. are truly small men with probably smaller penises that have a thirst for power & glory that their collective IQ's will never allow them to obtain. We "allow(ed)" them to remain in power, or don't oppose their current power because they are less dangerous than the potential replacements. There are dosiers on the actions that these men take & even thicker dosiers on the most likely replacements to these idiots. Before we the people get all excited about why or why not something happened, we should wonder what WE don't know. The State Dept is cagey at keeping it's business out of print.


If the world is ever going to have peace, these kinds of people cannot be in power.