"Troubled" teen succesfully fights off bear


New Member
Teen successfully fights off bear
On Alaska expedition for troubled youths
Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Posted: 8:12 AM EDT (1212 GMT)

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- A 15-year-old boy on a wilderness expedition for emotionally troubled youths woke up to find a 400-pound brown bear with a bad attitude sitting at his feet.

After trying unsuccessfully to back out of the tent, the boy was bitten in the forearm and decided to fight back, punching the bear with his left hand a half-dozen times, Alaska State Trooper Adam Benson said Monday.

When the teenager tried to run, the bear bit him again below his ribs, this time leaving a half-dozen puncture wounds on his back, Benson said.

The boy punched the bear again, and again she let him go, but chased him around a nearby stand of trees.

He eventually remembered an air horn in his gear, and blew it in the bear's muzzle, waking others in the camp, said Steve Prysunka, director of the six-week "Crossing Wilderness Expeditions for Youth" program.

Prysunka asked that the boy not be identified.

The bear finally turned and ran away after counselors blasted her with pepper spray and fired a flare at her feet, Prysunka said.

Later Saturday, following the morning attack, officials found the bear in the campsite area on Deer Island in southeast Alaska and killed her.

The boy was flown out to a hospital, where he was treated, then sent home to Barrow to give his wounds time to heal, Prysunka said.

"I think he is the biggest, baddest thing in the woods. He punched the bear," Prysunka said.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member

I remember when I attended Outward Bound in Minnesota back in '89, one of the things they do is leave you in some deserted place on a lake for a few days and you live off the land (I forget what they call it). Anyways, on like the last day I was there before I was to be picked up, I saw a huge black bear on a ledge about a 50 yards away looking at me then he walked away. That night, all I heard were footsteps all around me; I was scared sh*tless thinking that bear was going to eat me.

Guess he never did...:eh: :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
This kid now knows how simple societal rules really are. Survival of the fittest is only an expression at Brown Middle School :D