To the moon


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
the commercial space race is taking off

First Commercial Moon Mission Approved
By Larry O'Hanlon, Discovery News

Sep. 4 — The U.S. Government has just licensed the first commercial mission to the moon.

TransOrbital, Inc. received permission from various government agencies last week to send a probe back to the Earth's little sister. That probe, dubbed Trailblazer, will orbit the moon for 90 days, filming portraits of Earth as it rises over the lunar horizon and mapping the moonscape in unprecedented detail — as small as one meter in diameter.

"We're also looking to verify Apollo and other landing sites," said TransOrbital President Dennis Laurie.


New Member
Besides the obvious mining of lunar ores, the first likely commercial uses will be the advantages offered by the moon's location and the vacuum of space. That vacuum is far better than any that can be created in labs and manufacturing facilities on Earth, for instance. There is also the isolation. Research involving radiation or dangerous biological agents could be done on the moon with little danger of releases to Earth's environment.

The first step to making the moon our trashcan. :eh:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
the moon is already a trash can...better to have the crap there than here doncha think?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
It's a meteor with holes & dust. It's incapable of sustaining life. I'm not for junking it up but it does make a handy trash can as opposed to the one near the water source.


New Member
I think we might as well use it for a trash can, it's better than using the earth, like we have been for the last couple thousand years. And if it starts glowing, well, bonus, we'd need less electricity at night.