Thought of the day

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Have a wheeled mouse at home but not on both places I work. I'm not the kind of guy that complains about such limitations, but mondays are hard to get used to no-scrolling..


Felix Culpa
Ha...used to have a customer that wanted all the funkiest mice that I could find for her emps. They were an advertising firm that loved giving toys out to their emps. I've found some in the shape of guns, joysticks, different colours etc...

I use an IBM mouse w/ 3 buttons and a press/scroll mouse. Othen than work, no scroll at all. I use arrow keys :)


Mushroom at large
That the one I gave you? Mum's got the same one, and loves it.

You know, you can configure non-wheel mice to scroll. Three button mice, you click the middle button, and your mouse movement scrolls. Two button mice, you click both buttons at the same time, for the same effect.


Staff member
Well, turns out SOME of the machines here DO have scroll mice. Some have just plain ol' HP 2 button ball mice and others have microsoft scrollwheel ball mice. I ended up sitting down at one with a scroll wheel today!!! :smash:
