This will be my last post here


New Member
Thank you all for the last year or so reading my senseless posts at all the BBSes. I once had a plan on what to do in life but it seems I've wondered to far from the path and lost too much. I will have to search for that path which will lead me to my goals once again.

Though I've only knew some of you in a virtual world, I am sure you'll all make great friends in real life. I've informed Sam and the admins of my departure and request for removal of my positions at this site.

I must leave for now and wish you all best of luck.


Lawrence (a.k.a. sin2)


I wish you the best of luck Law, I hope you find what you're looking for. If I can be any help in anything, just give me a hoot, I'm not more than a message away!

Good luck friend.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
:confused: :( What can I say? I don't know what happened but I wish you the best. Even if you don't know me, I know you and have been reading your posts here and at HWC since a long time. You have helped me some times in HWC (where I post as AlladinSane) and all the readings of your "senseless" posting always brought me so much fun. I have a high esteem for you and hope this is not the last time I hear from you. Whatever you're planning, I wish you all the luck of the world.



Geez sin, this is a shocker.

Good luck in whatever you pursue mate.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Just kiddin' ... that girlfriend of yours has really got you whipped eh? Good luck with whatever it is your trying to find.


Best of luck Sin2! Good luck in your relationship! I sincerely hope it works for you.


Staff member
Sin, I hope you can come back and post at least once in a while. I'm definately gonna miss the brain teasers! I was just getting good at them. :D
Seriously, you will be missed, so don't be a stanger, huh?


Staff member
Sorry to see you go Sin... good luck, and I hope you find what your looking for


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Sin2, good luck in whatever endeavors you decide to pursue. Remember, it doesn't take all that much time to check in once in awhile.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Christ, I thought this was a SS post! :D

Damn bud, it's been a wild and turbulant ride, but I'm glad you were there along the way. Won't be the same without ya, but I hope you find what you're looking for. Be sure to pop in and say hello if you get a chance.

Best of luck! :)


Staff member
It's been 6 months, but I still wish you good luck in whatever you desire to achieve :cool: