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The unpredictable
My puter is acting strange. Since I replaced vid card some weeks ago(Voodoo Banshee by GF4 MX) it sometimes won't post. It powers up for 1-5 seconds then power down on its own. When it does that I have to switch off the PS, then power up again. I thought it could be the aditional power comsumption of the new vid card overcharging ther PS, then I unplugged the 8cm case fan and the CD drive. Same thing. Last year it did the same thing for a time. As I didn`t have time to mess with it I took it to a tech service. They said it was a "bad contact"(does it make sense for you?) between various parts and they hed to rebuild the whole system. They were evasive about what was bad mounted and didn't explain why it had worked for more than an year without problems. Only thing I noticed was the power button was probably changed as it made a different sound. Now it started again. I discovered something: if I press the power button several times and then switch the PS on it will load normally. So I'm stuck on this dilemma, is there some way to test the power button before buying another PS? Even if i buy it I will need some directions as I never plugged the wires on an ATX PS before(this one came with the case). So any hint?