Taliban to play role in government?



The is an intersting poll at cnn.com that asks if the Taliban should be part of the new government of Afganistan. I personally would like to see them all shot. Why should they play any role in the new government of Afganistan? They are as guilty as Bin Laden for what happened in NY. They provided him with sanctuary and allowed him to direct acts of terrorism. I don't want to see them surrender, just blasted from the face of this planet. Anyone else care to comment on the future government of Afganistan or what you would like to see it become?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Agree with Q. That country has tried several coalition governments in the last (xx) years & none of them have worked, but they should try again, with a different attitude.

Brock, unfortunately, many countries in the world, not just Muslim nations, treat women(and children & the sick & disabled, etc) is a rather barbaric way. That is a UN problem to fix-or even better, a local government fixxer-upper.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Now there's an oximoron if I ever heard on...United Nations. Yeah....sure. United in what exactly?


New Member
Originally posted by Gonzo

Brock, unfortunately, many countries in the world, not just Muslim nations, treat women(and children & the sick & disabled, etc) is a rather barbaric way. That is a UN problem to fix-or even better, a local government fixxer-upper.

Well, i couldn't think of a better place to start then Afghanistan. :D