Taliban Leader Calls Americans Cowards



[QUOTEURL=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,35448,00.html]Americans are cowards, the leader of the Taliban said Sunday, and the Afghan people have nothing to fear from U.S. threats of military attacks if the Islamic militia does not give up wanted terrorist Usama bin Laden. [/QUOTEURL]


New Member
LOL, are those guys just dumb or retarded? They'll be pulling their towels out of their arses when we get done with them.


Staff member
I question the Taliban's intelligence :o

They're acting real brave for a country that can be turned into a parking lot with the push of a button.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
They're not brave; they're just stupid. Did you hear about the quote last week about some idiot saying something to the effect that American's just listen to their government without thinking for themselves.

I think the question should be, do you let your people think at all??!!


they certainly don't let the women think at all. Has anyone seen the CNN segments where the woman is being beaten because she let her vail slip off her face. women can't go to school, drive, laugh or even walk with a man that is not related to her.


New Member
I still think that Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place would throw that country in caos! If we could get their women to watch that, the Tally-ho-ban would have it's hands full of estrogen!


Mushroom at large
Originally posted by alex
they certainly don't let the women think at all. Has anyone seen the CNN segments where the woman is being beaten because she let her vail slip off her face. women can't go to school, drive, laugh or even walk with a man that is not related to her.

You make that sound like a bad thing.;)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by alex
they certainly don't let the women think at all. Has anyone seen the CNN segments where the woman is being beaten because she let her vail slip off her face. women can't go to school, drive, laugh or even walk with a man that is not related to her.

NOT DEFENDING THE TALIBAN, but-many of those things are cutoms in Muslim religion(old school), so don't judge the choice that the women make in staying in thier religion):eek: (damn, I crack myself up)

Also realize-the Taliban are the (acting) government of Afghanistan & it would look weak to the followers if they said nothing or acted afraid-PR is everything, until you're proven wrong


Staff member
Originally posted by Professur
You make that sound like a bad thing.;)
*wraps a veil around profs face and spins him*...go play pin the tail on the taliban :p