Star Trek fans......


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
How come the "new" Enterprise is cooler than the "old" Enterprise? considering the new one is older than the old one.-Oh yea, Q (the DeLancy character, not our lovely Q) must have moved the time line.


New Member
Oh great, here we go with time lines again...hehe

I hope that the story line is great. I really got into Next Generation cause the characters were well written for, and the plots were pretty good most of the time.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
TNG was the best of the 4. Hopefully Enterprise has it's storyboards & characterizations, TOS' originality(ROFLMAO), Voyagers adventures & DS9's nothing.
and, let us all hope & pray that the writers NEVER EVER EVER do another time travel sequence-unless it's one of the other crews coming back to Enterprises time & even that is bad.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Originally posted by Gonzo
(snip) & DS9's nothing.

Everyone knows, V'ger didn't become popular until a) Jeri Ryan joined the cast and b) they stole almost all of DS9's writers for the show. DS9 was a very good series for Trek and I'm sick of seeing it being portrayed as ST's bastard child. Look at Far Beyond the Stars (think that was the title; ep where Sisko is a 20th century sci-fi writer) and countless other ep's...

Captain, Kes is possessed again!


Staff member
Huge: That episode was one of the best DS9 episodes I've ever seen. I also don't know why everyone keeps saying bad things about DS9, cause I loved it


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I actually liked DS9 in the beginning, but the longer the show lasted, the crew grew more & more moody. And, looking at the ratings for a Star Trek show, it was bad.


I cant wait for the new show, as far as DS9 the last season was the best, I loved the 10 episode closing arc and the series finallie was prolly one of the best for trek, Voyager was pretty good i really liked what they did with the doctor he was a great charactor, and well 7 of 9...nuf said


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Well said squeek; the people imo that bash DS9 are people who watch 1 or 2 eps and then decide that they don't like the show. It took me a while to get into it.

Then I saw this episode and was blown away. (Maybe it was because I was still in college and taking a lot of WWII courses at the time...

DS9 Bashers™:Show me a better first year episode from either TNG or V'ger.

...Didn't think so...