Spring is Coming.


There usually not this big, but on this day April 27, 2011, I was actually buying my house. We had to wait for the mortagage people to come out of the banks safe, so we could sign the papers. We lived in Huntsville, and I have a great picture of a tornado/mesocyclone that never put down just above our apartments. I live about 5 miles north of the city now, in an area less known for there path. November, March, and April are there biggest threat.

http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=april 27 2011 tornado tuscaloosa&FORM=VIRE7#view=detail&mid=E444487043CAF9C79F4DE444487043CAF9C79F4D
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Last April tornadoes hit about 2 miles north of my house, F2, then 10 miles north of that my great aunts house was barely missed by a F3 that leveled Lincoln County elementary school, have pics of that. These damn things have always fascinated me. My grandpa stood out on his porch and could call the storms like the pitch a pitcher was throwing. My brother is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Jackson, MS....And I have chased countless tornado tracks across Madison county. Like a demon that you cant pin down, it flashes for a second then moves on. Most are rain wrapped, and only the lowering of the cloud base can be seen, like its hiding its face. But on April 27, 2011 we experienced the type of visible tornado that is common in Texas and Oklahoma, but its not that flat here...The first round killed all the power in multiple counties, as people got out to help neighbors and friends... they had no idea more were coming, and they got caught out in it. The destruction is a yearly passing, some better, some worse..I have stood in the damage path, and as massive as it is with a mile wide tornado, thats really still small. One side the damage all blew east, the other side the damage is all pulling west, in the middle is like the finger of God scortched the earth. Today you can still see it in the trees, they will look nice and uniform on the highway, then scattered and stripped, of all green.

First pic is the storm from my back yard, that I took. the second is about 500yrds from the funnel as it approached the highway, my youngest brother took. The pink is from the hail,frozen ice, in the storm reflecting the sunlight.