Somethin' just ain't right with that boy

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
My little guy Jake has about 6 or 7 Pez dispencers. Batman, Spiderman, Hulk..... anyway, my wife gave him two little refills tonight. He did not want them! WHAT LITTLE BOY WOULD SAY NO TO CANDY?!?! I fell off my chair. He never says no to Pez. Useally it eatin before it gets in the dispencer. I'm still in shock.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Mine prefers fruit or ice cream over candy- I on the other hand couldn't get enough candy at that age. :confused:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
He loves his freezes (or eezes as he says) too. He eats 5 or 6 in row.
I normally don't like giving him candy, but I got him sugar free Pez.


One of a Kind
That is rather shocking. My little girl loves candy! We used to tell her that the peanut butter crackers and animal crakcers were cookies. Then my ex's new girlfriend thought that was mean. Whatever! We gave her real cookies too. But now she would rather have those peanut butter crackers rather than chocolate cookies. Ususally. And she loves fruit and stuff.

ANyway, back to the Pez idea, I love those things! I used to have a ton of them.

Anyone remember the Seinfield episode with the Tweety Pez dispenser? That was funny. :laugh:


i am my my own evil twin
pez lasted such a short time in the uk. i never quite got the whole plastic toy dispenser thing.

why have a plastic dispenser when you can stuff the packets into your mouth until you can't breathe? :D

ah, gluttony.... :laugh:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
The world is back to normal! As soon as we got home today Jake saw the pez on the table, opened it up and it was gone in a minute.


One of a Kind
Originally posted by Gonzo

tell her to piss off-she ain't momma

I have. She called me a bitch one time and I about tore her f*cking head off! She puts all this hairspray and makeup on my child. She is 3!