

Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Barely a week old...






So there I was, minding my own business, when this thing suddenly EXPLODES. Really, it did; I would never throw a seized mp3 player against a brick wall in a fit of rage.

*glances over at new Zen player*

Uh oh...


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member

You mean, it's not Prof? :scared:

I really liked it; cool docking station that glowed blue, networkable, RCA jacks, nice size... But if you go to Riovolution.com, it seems that every 1 out of 2 had the same problem I had with the hard drive seizing up. I was able to resurrect it 3x before I finally put it out of its misery.

My new Zen is clunky as hell compared to this, but at least it works...


Mushroom at large
Then why didn't you just change out the drive? If half of them are failing, odds are there's a silent recall on.


New Member
I picked up a cheap-o Classic XP3 player about 5-6 months ago. Cost me $160CDN and has 10GB of storage. Hasn't caused me a single problem other than the instructions are like in semi-english.
But for the price and the amount of storage, people can keep their $300+ 10GB iPods.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
That's why I didn't pick up an iScrod:

  • They're expensive as hell.
  • "ipod's dirty little secret" ring a bell? You mean to tell me in order to replace the battery when it fails, I should buy a new ipod??
  • Everyone and his mother has one; I don't know where you live but here in NYC they're status symbols :rolleyes:

I got a 30gB Zen for $269 and it sounds great, has a removeable li-ion battery and EAX sound. I don't think I'm getting the advertised 14 hour battery life though (I tend to skip through a lot of songs).