If you don't know how, minimize all windows so that you can see your desktop, and then hit Print Screen.
Go into a paint program like Jasc Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop and paste it into a new image
Save it as something.jpg and either upload it to your web space and link it here, or just upload it as an attachment in a post here.
As this is a desktop thread and desktops are naturally big, the dimensions of the image can be bigger than the thread page, but it still has to not be nude/too disgusting/otherwise violative of that neat little thing called the Membership Agreement.
With that in mind, let's see em!
Go into a paint program like Jasc Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop and paste it into a new image
Save it as something.jpg and either upload it to your web space and link it here, or just upload it as an attachment in a post here.
As this is a desktop thread and desktops are naturally big, the dimensions of the image can be bigger than the thread page, but it still has to not be nude/too disgusting/otherwise violative of that neat little thing called the Membership Agreement.
With that in mind, let's see em!