So far I've managed to get the computer to notice the second HD, but in win98 it shows it as only 2GB and it should be 4GB. It do show up as 4 in bios.
Second, how do I install win98 on the second one? It only has dos-6 right now.
make sure the jumpers on the 2nd HDD are set to slave and the first are set to master. If it recognizes it at all you may need to format it. (My Computer/[select drive]/right click/format)
Probably, he is. Boot off of a floppy, and fdisk from there. Delete any existing partitions, then create a single new one, the size of the entire drive. Then format it.
Okay I managed to get it working. I didn't know that I didn't have to install windows on the the slave. I fdisked it then formatted it in plain old DOS (not DOs prompt) and there's no problem loading stuff on it.