Seclusion: A-Hole of the day?

Joe Black<RC>

New Member
If bad words could be surgically removed from Seclusion's mind, could he still form a sentence? Maybe his mama never gave him the "If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all." speech. I'm inclined to think she probably did... but he killed her right after. Maybe he lived under power-lines as a kid. Maybe he ate too many lead-filled paint chips. Maybe he's a victim of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Maybe his mama was a crack house whore and he was born a mutant and forced to swab the deck after every gang-bang. Or maybe the doctor mistook his head for his ass, when he was born, and smacked him too hard. Maybe that's a contributing factor, because Seclusion doesn't seem to know his head from his ass either... Go fig'.

Seclusion, you are the honorary A-Hole of the day. Take a bow. Get off stage.