We're too stoopid do attend to ourselves so here comes johnny law to assist. IN just had a major crackdown & were using roadblocks. Irony is trucks aren't included & it's county by county regarding SUVs. All in the name of safety (spelled m.o.n.e.y.). this quote is a one paragraph reminder of how socialism is creeping into America. Use the reference for all things legislative "in protecting children".
I hate 'em, belts & laws. get out of my car legislators.
check laws here: http://www.hwysafety.org/safety_facts/state_laws/restrain3.htm
First it was child restraint laws because "the children are not capable of making these decisions themselves and too many parents are irresponsible." Next it was "secondary" enforcement of belt laws, just as a means to "encourage" the use of seatbelts. Thousands of roadblocks have been erected to force compliance with seatbelt laws. Fines are being increased, "Primary" enforcement is giving police the excuse to pull anyone and everyone over on the pretext of a seatbelt violation. Violation points toward suspension of driver licenses and photo/video enforcement are the next likely escalations of this process.
I hate 'em, belts & laws. get out of my car legislators.
check laws here: http://www.hwysafety.org/safety_facts/state_laws/restrain3.htm