Router Question


Staff member
Is anyone using this router, The linksys BEFSR41
I'm thinking of getting this router for my little network. (3 computers using a linksys hub, Cable modem, and Internet connection sharing). is it worth it? to go with the router?


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Staff member
My brother has that one. He likes it. I have a smc barricade 7004ABR, I'm very happy with it.


Staff member
Hey Kruz, did you decide to get the router? I saw that exact one you're looking at on sale at (which you can click on the banner at the top of the pages here to get to) for $79.99 and a $10.00 rebate.
That router kicks a$$.

I own one, and have set one up for a buddy and my parents.

It is a great product. Just keep up to date on the firmware revisions. I think the newest one is 1.42.3

Well worth the money.

Enable "Block WAN Request" when you get it. That will make you almost invisible. It stealths all your ports and it appears that you are not there to curious individuals :D



New Member
We have one and I just asked my boyfriend for the software (he set it up and I thought the software was on his computer). He said he never installed the software on his computer. :eek:

Should I be concerned that all these months, the software was never setup? Have I been unprotected all this time?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
If it's anything like my D-Link, it dosen't have software. It's frimware. I dial into the IP of the router and setup whatever needs to be. Open ports, blocking, etc... Statis/dynamic IP, type of network, etc.. I just use a browser and type the IP of the router. Pretty straight forward. Not sure if the Linksys operates in the same way though.