Roe vs Wade


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Greenfreak-not to be nosy, just using it as a springboard; are you & your man NOT having sex. the only 100% infallible method of birth control is abstinence. (yea, like I practiced that:rolleyes: )


New Member
Thanks alex and Shadowfax... Would you believe you are the first two people to have that response in all the people who have asked? Mostly I get more questions... What if you change your mind and you're too old... But I thought you really enjoyed your neices and nephews... But you're a Godmother-what happens if you had to take care of your Godson? That kinda thing.

Ku, we thought it was quite extreme also-made me want to change my official religion from Roman Catholic. Not that I practice or agree with the rules of the church. I understand their point of view with the whole religious aspect but the baby was already gone--what's their excuse now?

Gonzo, we do have sex, we do use birth control. I know it's not 100% effective--which is one of the reasons I'm seeking out yet another form of b.c., and when we have the money, I'm going to get my tubes tied also. When I think of how I 'played with fire' in regards to birth control and the non-use of it in my past, I cringe. Thank goodness I never got pregnant, I don't know where I would be now. You live, you learn-I'm glad I didn't learn the hard way!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Greenfreak said:
we do have sex, we do use birth control. I know it's not 100% effective[color=sea-green] You live, you learn-I'm glad I didn't learn the hard way![/color]

what's wrong with that sampled paragraph?


New Member
You asked me a question, and then used my answer to seemingly disagree with it. Did you only ask because you wanted to use my words against me, or do you want to express your own opinion? So far, you've asked questions of others but haven't expressed your own views. I don't understand your last post, I would be interested to know what your answers would be to your own questions.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Greenfreak-My last post was pointing out the fact that you are aware that birth control is not 100% effective & you rely on it and you are glad you didn't learn the hard way. As long as you are sexually active, there is a chance of pregnancy. I wasn't attacking you, per se, just the inconsistencies we all face in that situation.

My view is abortion is & ought to remain legal, but there has to be limits on it. If a more than a simple majority of doctors who specialize in this field, express the opinion that, say 80% of fetuses, at "X" stage, would be viable outside the mothers womb without heroics, it is now a living, sentient being & it becomes murder. Before that point, it's a choice whether or not to continue with the pregnancy. It is not nor should ever be a method of birth control nor a government sactioned event, as in China. Abortion is not an inalienable right. It is, occasionally, a medical necessity with a very short extension from there. Underage girls should NOT have this "right", not when they can't elect to have their tonsils removed nor even their ears pierced (in many states) without parental permission, except in cases of previously reported & proven abuse, in which I question why they are still there. If the parents will "kick her out", so be it-she wants to act like an adult, let her live like one.

It all goes back to the responsibility factor-if you don't want kids-get fixed. I did.


Staff member
Gonzo said:

It all goes back to the responsibility factor-if you don't want kids-get fixed.
Good luck trying to find a doctor who will tie a womans tubes before age 35. I never did.
I, like greeny knew I didn't want kids as early as high school....and starting at age 25 I looked for a doctor to tie my tubes. They all thought they knew better than me. My "dream man" was not gonna want 25 kids or 2 kids or even one kid. That would immediately take him off the dream man list. Now I am pushing 43 and I still haven't changed my mind.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Q said:
Good luck trying to find a doctor who will tie a womans tubes

My wife bitched about the same thing. She was supposed to have a C-section, & we figured, since they are already there, she'd handle it. She didn't & even before his birth, the Dr kept asking if she was sure & I had to sign something "releasing" the Dr from responsibility. When I went in, the Dr said nothnig about my being sure & didn't ask my wife shit. More conspiracies I tell ya,

don't any of you guys tell her we're just keeping the wimins down


New Member
Gonzo said:
Greenfreak-My last post was pointing out the fact that you are aware that birth control is not 100% effective & you rely on it and you are glad you didn't learn the hard way. As long as you are sexually active, there is a chance of pregnancy. I wasn't attacking you, per se, just the inconsistencies we all face in that situation.

I got irked because instead of just stating your opinion, you chose to ask a sarcastic question of everyone else. I'm a pretty direct person and get impatient when others beat around the bush instead of stating what's really on their mind, that's all.

As far as my own practices, they're not perfect and neither am I. I am an adult who makes choices and am well aware of the consequences and everything you said. I wish I had the money to 'get fixed' but I don't. How much did it cost you anyway? How old were you? Did the docs give you a problem with it like they did to Q?

Q, I never knew that doctors would have such an opinion about these things! It seems strange to me that you would have to prove yourself to a doctor and argue your reasons behind elective surgery in order to get the procedure done. Do plastic surgeons do the same thing I wonder? These days, I would think it would be only a question of money and which doctor would take yours without questions.

And I also had trouble with that--finding my 'dream man' who happened to not want to have kids also. Hard thing to find. But I did, thankfully enough! :)


Staff member
Greeny, 3 different doctors refused to even consider a tubal ligation on any woman under the age of 35, as a matter of standard practice. Not one of them thought twice about pouring hormones into me every month for over twenty years (and I smoke) or ploping a foreign object in my body...which actually turned out to be a blessing. I had so much scaring from an IUD, I can no longer get pregnant....but it still pisses me off that several different doctors assumed I would change my mind and I guarantee all three doctors would have performed abortions, no questions asked, had I gotten pregnant and decided not to keep the baby. :mad:

Congrats on finding your dream man! :thup:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
greenfreak said:
How much did it cost you anyway? How old were you? Did the docs give you a problem with it like they did to Q?

I think it was $50.(I was insured) For my wife, I believe it would have been $150. with insurance. 30. The only questions asked were about my knowledge of the procedure & the long term effects. No judgement call nor questions of my being sure.


New Member
You just shocked me. I didn't know it could be covered by insurance. Looks like I have some investigation to do. An acquaintance of mine had it done but he had to pay thousands of dollars. I don't know if that was because it wasn't covered or didn't have insurance... Hmmmm....


Official Wine Taster
Guess it's all jus' a matter of money then, eh? Doesn't matter what yer sex is, an' I commend ya Gonz fer openin' up this old can a worms. I mean, why not kill ALL unwanted children? Maybe we were alll too quick to judge Hitler. Perhaps he had the right idea after all. Ya know, kill all the "unclean", the "unhealthy", the deformed, the retarded, the useless elderly. All the "unwanted"!
KILL 'EM ALL!! Let only the "perfect" ones form a race of perfect purity!!
Why shouldn't folks 'ave a "CHOICE"? After all, there aren't any consequences worth compromising a person's "right" to choose, right?........................................GOD HELP US!!!!!!!:(


New Member
75renegade said:
Guess it's all jus' a matter of money then, eh?

Are you referring to getting 'fixed' or having an abortion? I can understand your point on abortion, but do you see something wrong about having my tubes tied if I choose not to have children?


Official Wine Taster
greenfreak said:
75renegade said:
Guess it's all jus' a matter of money then, eh?

Are you referring to getting 'fixed' or having an abortion? I can understand your point on abortion, but do you see something wrong about having my tubes tied if I choose not to have children?

Not at all Darlin'! Fer what it's worth, I've been "neutered" myself.
I jus' feel fer the sufferin' unborn who don't 'ave a "choice"!