Greenfreak-My last post was pointing out the fact that you are aware that birth control is not 100% effective & you rely on it and you are glad you didn't learn the hard way. As long as you are sexually active, there is a chance of pregnancy. I wasn't attacking you, per se, just the inconsistencies we all face in that situation.
My view is abortion is & ought to remain legal, but there has to be limits on it. If a more than a simple majority of doctors who specialize in this field, express the opinion that, say 80% of fetuses, at "X" stage, would be viable outside the mothers womb without heroics, it is now a living, sentient being & it becomes murder. Before that point, it's a choice whether or not to continue with the pregnancy. It is not nor should ever be a method of birth control nor a government sactioned event, as in China. Abortion is not an inalienable right. It is, occasionally, a medical necessity with a very short extension from there. Underage girls should NOT have this "right", not when they can't elect to have their tonsils removed nor even their ears pierced (in many states) without parental permission, except in cases of previously reported & proven abuse, in which I question why they are still there. If the parents will "kick her out", so be it-she wants to act like an adult, let her live like one.
It all goes back to the responsibility factor-if you don't want kids-get fixed. I did.