Got a 1999 V6 Mustang coupe with 69k miles on it. Only addon is a MAC CAI. When on the gas I get a rattle. It is inconsistent (fades in and out in seconds) but the pattern/beat of the rattle is fairly steady. It stays whether I'm gently accellerating or even just holding a steady speed, but goes away when I release the gas. It also goes away if I put cruise control on (car shifts up when this happens). I'll have to count tomorrow to be sure, but I think its in 2nd and 3rd when it does it the worst (anywhere from 20mph to 45mph). I can't hear it that well inside the car, but with windows down and driving near a curb or fence, I can hear it quite well (bouncing off those). I don't feel the car buckle or jerk or anything when its doing it. My usual mechanic isn't sure, but thinks it might be the gears chattering against each other in the tranny. Anyone heard this before? I'm the second owner, and as far as I know, everything is original. I'm going to take it into a tranny shop Friday to have it checked, but the fluid looks and smells good. Hopefully it doesn't need a full rebuild. 
He also suggested possible loose calipers, but lightly pressing the brake while on the gas doesn't quiet it, so I don't think thats it. I did a quick lookaround under the hood and under the car and didn't find anything loose. Exhaust/shields seem to be tight. I can't get it to replicate the sound when the car is parked (hence the gears consideration). I've been told the differential gears were noisy in this year, but there aren't any signs of leakage from the rear diff. There aren't any spots on the driveway either.
It began about two months ago by just doing it at a sharp rpm increase, for example, first to second while turning or from a stoplight. One thing I have noticed is for the most part (not all the time) it does it when the engine is hot. For the first few miles on a cold engine, I don't recall hearing it. When the weather cools down, its not as loud as it is when its warmer out and the car is hot. Today it warmed up (80s) and I had the windows down and really noticed it.
The car does have a tick from the passenger side of the engine when started cold. I think its a sticky lifter. After a mile or so, it goes away. Doesn't do it as bad right after an oil change, and gradually gets worse. Next change I'm going to try diluting it a little more (sub 1qt for marvel mystery oil). I have heard the tick could be an exhaust leak. I suppose the only way to find out is to pull the headers, as from what I can tell under the car the pipe looks solid from the cats back.
I don't know what else it could be...any suggestions?

He also suggested possible loose calipers, but lightly pressing the brake while on the gas doesn't quiet it, so I don't think thats it. I did a quick lookaround under the hood and under the car and didn't find anything loose. Exhaust/shields seem to be tight. I can't get it to replicate the sound when the car is parked (hence the gears consideration). I've been told the differential gears were noisy in this year, but there aren't any signs of leakage from the rear diff. There aren't any spots on the driveway either.
It began about two months ago by just doing it at a sharp rpm increase, for example, first to second while turning or from a stoplight. One thing I have noticed is for the most part (not all the time) it does it when the engine is hot. For the first few miles on a cold engine, I don't recall hearing it. When the weather cools down, its not as loud as it is when its warmer out and the car is hot. Today it warmed up (80s) and I had the windows down and really noticed it.
The car does have a tick from the passenger side of the engine when started cold. I think its a sticky lifter. After a mile or so, it goes away. Doesn't do it as bad right after an oil change, and gradually gets worse. Next change I'm going to try diluting it a little more (sub 1qt for marvel mystery oil). I have heard the tick could be an exhaust leak. I suppose the only way to find out is to pull the headers, as from what I can tell under the car the pipe looks solid from the cats back.
I don't know what else it could be...any suggestions?