Rape and False Memory Syndrome


Felix Culpa
Rape is a cancer on society and the evil that resides in all ages, races and genders. The rape/molestation of a child is a horrible thing to conceptualize, and in my opinion, the worst of all crimes.

Here's the kicker...some people, in their adulthood, uncover memories about rapes which they had supposedly repressed for dozens of years, and may have happened when they were children. Their attempts to bring their assulter to justice has cause families to break apart, friendships to rupture and personal lives to disintegrate.

There have been some cases where FMS (Flase Memory Syndrome) has come into play. That is, people convince themselves that something which did not happen, did. I've just heard about another man who just got himself dragged into court by his 27 year old daughter for a rape that he supposedly commited when she was 5 years old. Now...the man spent nearly 2 years in courts defending himself. When it was all over...the girl realized that what she'd had was a false memory created by her psychiatrist. A suggestion which went too far.

How could this possibly be prevented? The tragedy of it all!


New Source: Unavailable at the moment...still looking


im a freak im so proud of that
as i said before in the other thread

take things into consideration. rape victims generally dont come forward and if they do they do so usually after a long time. some dont take as long but generally it does. that said it doesnt mean they were if they are trying to play something off or if they are coercedinto thinking they were. put the thought into teh mind. make it sink in. then have them come forward and fool them into thinking they did it after many years or months or whatever


New Member
here's an honest to god true story ...

my brother was summoned to court his senior year in high school as a witness in a rape case, which supposedly occured at a party after the prom.

When asked if the defendant penetrated her without consent, the girl said there was consent. When asked why she was accusing the defendant of rape if there was consent, she replied that it was rape because it wasn't pleasurable.



Mushroom at large
MrBishop said:
How could this possibly be prevented? The tragedy of it all!

Dead simple. Outlaw shrinks. If ever there was a group of people fucking up the world, it's them. They're worse than lawyers.


Staff member
There is karma on Xibase again???

where? where? *looks under rug*

ewwwwwwwww! Someone has been sweeping all the used condoms under the rug....YUCK!


Mushroom at large
Sorry, Gonz. You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a flying fuck.

Have you noticed that the moment anything "tragic" happens these days, the psych-ops send in their first line troops: the grief counslers. Gimme a fucking break. Can you be more blatent? Take a bunch of people, vunerable and emotional, and brainwash the fuck outta them??? And they're everywhere. Personally, I ever hear that one of them came within 50' of one of my kids, there's gonna be grief. And he's gonna need a helluva lot more than counseling. Like triage.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I agree. They've also given rise to the victimhood is good mentality. That is one of my major pet peeves. which in turn create whole threads of arguments. I've commented to my wife, several times, about the tragedy/counseling connection. Some kid gets killed in an accident & on the next schoolday, thay have counselors all over the school, helping *cough, choke* the survivors *cough, choke, gag*. 95% of teh school didn't know the kid yet they are talking to a professional. Just shoot 'em now.


im a freak im so proud of that
not all of them do that. and im not the only one. PT also would say the same thing i am


New Member
Gonzo said:
I agree. They've also given rise to the victimhood is good mentality. That is one of my major pet peeves. which in turn create whole threads of arguments. I've commented to my wife, several times, about the tragedy/counseling connection. Some kid gets killed in an accident & on the next schoolday, thay have counselors all over the school, helping *cough, choke* the survivors *cough, choke, gag*. 95% of teh school didn't know the kid yet they are talking to a professional. Just shoot 'em now.

Id hope to hell that if there was a shooting at my kids school that there would be counselors available. Now, if the counselors are forcing counseling on the kids, that's wrong, but if they just announce that they are there if any of them want to talk, then damn right, that's what they are there for.

Gonz, Prof, I am really quite happy that you have such normal, problem free lives, however, most people aren't that way. Some of us can deal with the problems ourselves, and some of us need some help dealing with those problems. To sit there and say they are all quacks is not just ignorant, it's insulting.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
It's not insulting to have thousands of years of mankind set aside & belittled by the new & improved psycho-babble? Kids & adults have learned to cope long before some feel good art came along. That art is now taking over everything & people overlook their own ability to take matter in their own hands & solve the problem because a "specialist" is there.

There is a genuine need for psychiatry, as in a medical doctor. Some disorders are absolutely beyond our untrained ability. They require a doctor, not a therapist.


Felix Culpa
Gonz-yeah...they were called mothers, fathers and best friends. SOmetimes...those aren't available, or they don't know how to help, or they just can't help. Problems fester...issues get subdued into the sub-conscious and like big-ol baloons, they rise up again. Bigger and badder than ever. Think just anyone can deal with them? Doubt it. Some people can cope..most go gaga for a little bit, some go absolutely ape-shit.

BTW...the psychobabble stuff's been around as long as modern medicine has been. Take a good long look at the sign for medicine...the sword represents surgery and the snake..psychology. Forever united...mind, body and soul.


Felix Culpa
Originally posted by Professur
Sorry, Gonz. You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a flying fuck.

Have you noticed that the moment anything "tragic" happens these days, the psych-ops send in their first line troops: the grief counslers. Gimme a fucking break. Can you be more blatent? Take a bunch of people, vunerable and emotional, and brainwash the fuck outta them??? And they're everywhere. Personally, I ever hear that one of them came within 50' of one of my kids, there's gonna be grief. And he's gonna need a helluva lot more than counseling. Like triage.

Psst Prof...you made one your daughter's godfather, 'member?

You get to see a whole whack more of them at my BBQ every year. There are at least 7 every year...specializing in Child-Psyche, all working for Batshaw Youth and Family Services :)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
PuterTutor said:
So you don't think there is a need for psychology? At all?

It's fine for those who make an effort to to go find one that suits their particular need. I don't think they need to appear out of the woodwork at every single little (or big) thing that happens. You mentioned your kids & a school shooting. I would expect you & your wife to assist your child. If it's a few nightmares, time will heal it. If it's sudden fits of suicidal rage, then you seek counseling.


Mushroom at large
Bish, please don't act like my opinion of your intended prefession is some kinda suprise to you. You've known my opinion since highschool. And my utter joy at you leaving that crap behind to go into something you really enjoy, Art.

PT, there is a place, and a time, and a need for counselors. Same for lawyers. I'm referring to them descending like a flock of vultures at the slightest hint of opportunity. Or lawyers on a traffic accident.

I don't doubt that there are real professionals in the field. I also don't doubt that the large majority are there for no other reason than to get their jollies at someone else's misery. Or to make a buck. I don't doubt that most of the help line operators are twisted losers, pedophiles, freaks, and deviants. Similarly with Scout leaders, camp counselors, priests, and politicians. Teachers, day care workers, pediatricians, gynocologists, and Big Brothers.

IMHO, most of the good that people get outta counselling, the could have gotten outta talking to their best friend, their barman, their wife, or their own concience. But that this yahoo has a degree somehow makes him an expert.


Felix Culpa
Art's not paying the bills...yet. I waited a logn time before going into it. Still think that I would've made a great teacher (Humanities).


Morris Dancer
The BBC had a wonerful doumentary about this subject if it's ever shown in the US give it a look.
We had a number of high profile investigations into child abuse and the links to satanism and or paedo groups. The outbreaks went from one region to another. In fact the thing that moved turned out to be a few "Doctors" and some councillors some of whome had strong links with some pretty bizarre religious groups from your country.
Wherever they went up went the rape allegations and "recovered memories". Many lives ruined and some lost.
Anyone still want to defend these parasites?