

New Member
I know it's kind of a wierd question, but, where do you think we go once we die? Tunnels, bright light, I dunno. It's just been on my mind, it's not like I'm going to find out anytime soon, just a bit curious... :D


Kissy Goddess
Hi Mudvayne, welcome to the board!!!

You know, that really is a philosophical question open to all kinds of interpretation. I think what it boils down to is personal spiritual beliefs. Find your niche and study it from there.



Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Spirit is gonna go to a place where there is nothing but men. hehe Little skinny nerdy kind that read books all day and pay no attention to women....wait, no that's hell. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Staff member
To the funeral home, then after that, six feet under the ground. :retard:

Oh, you meant our spirit.

It probably exits our decaying body first of all, then connects to a big hive (Borg-like) of other free spirits, and it just stays there for eternity until it finds a body sufficient enough for reincarnation.


I wouldn't care to comment other than to say that someday we will all find out.


:D @ Postcode

I agree with ku'u ... I'll probably hang out, look out for my kids and stuff ... and haunt people I can't stand ... *innocent smirk*


Official Wine Taster
Hey Muddy, r lookin' fer a Biblical answer? (Hebrews 9:27, "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement, 9:28 so Christ also havin' been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.")
Kinda disappoints all the reincarnent theoristists, but should give hope to the true seeker!
Took blood to save those who believe. Faith is a gift, as is the grace of God to those who 'ave the courage to believe in such an outrageous story of love.
R ya lookin' fer "freedom"? It's found in the man, Jesus who was nailed to the cross, died an' was raised from the dead so we could 'ave it.