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sourceA man in the US has built a cannon to fire a pumpkin a mile.
Jim Bristoe's invention has a 30 foot barrel and is powered by a 700 gallon air tank.
It's named "Ain't All There".
During a demonstration in Elletsville, Indiana the 42-year-old electrician and mechanic said: "You don't need to cover your ears, but you're going to know I shot it."
When Mr Bristoe fires the cannon, a 10 pound pumpkin is hit with 11,300 pounds of force.
He says the pumpkin projectile leaves the muzzle at about 900 mph, and during the test it fired a pumpkin through the rear of a Pontiac.
Mr Bristoe plans to take the two tonne pumpkin cannon to the first annual Pumpkin Propulsion Contest at Verizon Wireless Music Centre near Noblesville, on Saturday