Noite Escura
The unpredictable
Item - Cause of Death - Author
Lexmark Z-11 Printer - Pluged in 220V - Cousin
3.2 GB Seagate HD - Corrupted PS? - Fate
0.8 GB Quantum HD - Corrupted PS? - Fate
56K Lucent WinModem - Thunderstrike - Me
56K Motorolla WinModem - Thunderstrike - Me
Post here your deathlist. Let's mourn the loss of our honorable hardware pieces...
Item - Cause of Death - Author
Lexmark Z-11 Printer - Pluged in 220V - Cousin
3.2 GB Seagate HD - Corrupted PS? - Fate
0.8 GB Quantum HD - Corrupted PS? - Fate
56K Lucent WinModem - Thunderstrike - Me

56K Motorolla WinModem - Thunderstrike - Me

Post here your deathlist. Let's mourn the loss of our honorable hardware pieces...