Please respond: What browser you using & do you have problems with the menu?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Wine, hehehehe, around this area, a lot of people actually say it that way. :D A lot of farmers around here.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Under Mozilla 0.9.1 I couldn't even finish writing a reply before my system got bogged down to hard. It was working fine, but then it started having scrolling problems...the menu had to play catch up. Spend any time on the site and I would have to kill Mozilla. Konquerer works fine though, but the menu does work. I'm going to be installing Mozilla 0.9.2 in a few days. I'll report back with more info then.


SWM 40 seeking truth
I have opted to stick with Netscape Communicator 4.77. It works fine and the font control is better than Konqueror or Mozilla. But I still have not gotten around to loading Opera yet. Been too busy seeing what Windoze progs run under the new Wine release. Wouldn't it be a hoot if I could surf from Linux with IE 5.5... <IMG SRC="laugh.gif" border="0">

The horror... the horror!


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
OK. It was my system. Mozilla was just acting up. restarted X and all is fine. Hmm. I haven't done that in like 4 ot 5 months now...hehehe Still haven't rebooted yet though. :D

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
IE 5. Since the last day the menu bar has just started to cover a part of the page(the bar not the entire menu). It's exctly the part that contais the name of the poster. Can't you simply put an option in the user profile allowing anyone to enable/disable the slide menu?


Staff member
When I figure out how to implement a feature that you can select how you want the quick links to appear, I will reimplement the menu


Staff member
It's back. Go to User CP, then Edit Options, and change your style to "Side Menu"
