Photos of the display
PostCode Perverted Penguin Staff member Mar 14, 2002 #3 True. I think it's going to run through sometime in April.
Huge Holla if you hear me! Staff member Mar 14, 2002 #5 I can literally throw a golf ball and hit one of them (they're across the street from my office). I'm going to try to grab a digicam and get some shots posted.
I can literally throw a golf ball and hit one of them (they're across the street from my office). I'm going to try to grab a digicam and get some shots posted.
Nixy Administrator Staff member Mar 14, 2002 #8 JIM! *kisses Jim* You need to come to chat more. Those are REALLY cool pics. I think it's so cool that thye're doing this. I wish I could get to see'em.
JIM! *kisses Jim* You need to come to chat more. Those are REALLY cool pics. I think it's so cool that thye're doing this. I wish I could get to see'em.
PostCode Perverted Penguin Staff member Mar 14, 2002 #9 I wonder if the towers are creating a site to see from space?
Professur Mushroom at large Mar 15, 2002 #10 That's a damn good question. Anyone got a good weather satelite site?