Perpetual Welcome Thread


Originally posted by fury:
<STRONG>Really? Acid now? Man, I thought the caffeine was bad enough, but...

You KNOW what happens when you mix acids and XiBases, don't you?


hahahahha, *chuckle* *snort* whoa, that was pretty clever, and painful Flurffy


Staff member
Welcome [sharkey]scuttle...

to the boards ! grab a cold one and post a while:wave:


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I don't want to hear how I was never around over there!!! ;)

Welcome, btw :)


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Good Lord folks!
I had missed this error!
Thank you all and this place looks like it has quite a nice bunch of people. As far as BBoards go, for me it was HWC, then JJR's now here. Things at the other boards were growing or diversifying to fast. Change is good- but not when you have a smooth running machine.
(But that statement is not always true: how many of us had perfectly running computers but we had to simply tweak it or add that one last damn program that caused corruption!)
Anyways, nice to be here and let me give the credit to that Florida beauty,Q, who showed me the way. I don't think you could meet a nicer person on line! Thank you again!:wave:


Staff member
*Q grins widely, and tosses back new improved hair* :D

*Q also sticks out tongue at Gonzo *:p ...just because :D


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Thank you outlaw..I'm told that I am quite the lover!:lol:

(Especially when dealing with somebody as fine as Q!!!!!!!!)