Perpetual Welcome Thread


Staff member
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave:

I especially hope you'll enjoy checking out our chat feature, and make sure to post some comments, suggestions, or questions in the Feedback forum. :beerchug:


Staff member
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave:

Check out the Calendar, which you can add public and private events to, and join us in chat, maybe even drop off some comments, suggestions, or complaints, or ask a question in the Feedback forum. :)



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Enjoy your stay in make-believe land. We're all harmless & loving creatures that intend no harm:evillaff:. Stay awhile, enjoy all the forums(there is more than just the speak easy):wave:

oh, bring our pizza & beer on the double.:beerchug: