Perpetual Welcome Thread


Eee equals emcee squared...
Thanks all!
How does Killians sound?:beerchug:
Usually that is what I use to quell a thirsty crowd! :grin:

As for the Durons.......... my last 700@950 got a little toasty on the lower right of the core!!! Hit 80F (according to the BIOS reading) before I realized what was going on and got it shut down!!! It still works fine though.....


  • duroncore1.jpg
    70.6 KB · Views: 30


Welcome Keiko

Welcome to xibase... take your time, have a good look around, I think you'll enjoy being part of this place... If you need any help with the message board give me a buzz on ICQ.



Staff member
Originally posted by AMDnut
Thanks all!
How does Killians sound?:beerchug:
Usually that is what I use to quell a thirsty crowd! :grin:

As for the Durons.......... my last 700@950 got a little toasty on the lower right of the core!!! Hit 80F (according to the BIOS reading) before I realized what was going on and got it shut down!!! It still works fine though.....

Eerily, my Duron looks almost exactly like the one in that picture, except for a couple things: The stepping is different (akba, but still a 700), and the burn is all over the entire processor :smash:

It's kind of hard to tell it was any other color :o


Staff member
Hear, hear :beerchug:

The quirks oddnesses and occasionally breastesses :D :D of this crowd make it unlike any other on the planet.


Staff member
Welcome, Chupacabra

Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here :cool:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Oh, jeez-now we're allowing Puerto Rican legendary monsters onboard? Okay, if the management insists....

Welcome to the land of the nuts & home of some incredible goofiness. Post lots & enjoy the ride:wave:


Eee equals emcee squared...
Oh good! Another newbie! "Whew!" I was feeling very alone......... :scared:

Welcome aboard! (get it... a board..... hee.......hee....)