One of a Kind
I went to go see one of my friend's band play on Saturday night at thier pratice space. Well this drunk idiot kid for some reason felt the need to get into his frieds brand new Avalance and turn it on. He steeped on the gasand peeled out in reverse. The side of the truck ended up hitting me and knocking me over. I alsp think that my foot was ran over too. He then hit a wall and took off. Rumor has it that he also hit another car too. Well I was in the ER for almost 11 hours. I have 2 fractors in the joint of my big toe, one in the back of my foot, possibl fractors in both my fibia and tibia, possible one in my pelvis, a lower spinal fractor, fractored right ndex finger, sprained wrist, bruised toe and the other foot and they won't tell me why, but they have placed my left knee in one of those braces in order to imobilize it. They say it got "joltrd" and suffered a lot of trauma. Anyway, I am feeling better and WILL be sueing the kid or his parents (depending on how they try him in court), I just thought I would let everyone know that I am now temporarily a criple.