original food fight thread


Staff member
Keep trying to make stuff up to pretend to battle this cheese storm, Q, you will not last forever.

Hey, drowning in cheese is not all that bad.

Think of what would happen if you kept trying to fight it and spilled over the top of the base walls into a certain other site :eek:

Wouldn't you rather die drowning here than fall to your death ending up there?

Dark Angel

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

*Pours Treacle all over Gonzo's Head*

nyah nyah nyah nyah


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
but wait, over the horizon-look IT'S SUPERGONZO

"Stand back good citizens!! There's no need to fear!SUPERGONZO is here."

*SG makes a telepathic connection with an alien race*

"Evil Flurffmeister, please, stand down & call off that awful cheez, I've asked for reinforcements from" *horns blow triumphanylt in the background* "The Horse of a Different Color Cheez-eating Animorphic Radioactive Sawblade Race. They eat cheez by the mega-ton, so, evil-doer, you have lost again" HA HA HO HO

What Q, Winey & Unc didn't know was-a Gonzo look-alike was standing-in, awaiting SUPERGONZes heroic return from a pepsi run.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Oh, okay

*Awaiting DA's lovely tongue bath from all the stickiness* :worm:

Dark Angel

bends Gonzo over and gives him the whipping of his life.....oops...detering from the food fight are I? better add some cream and cherries to that whipping then eh!


Staff member
Don't make me bring the Borg into this situation.

Or, worse yet, attorneys.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
SUPERGONZO runs away in fear of Dorito stealing lawyers & thier cheezy clients

Dark Angel

Originally posted by fury
Don't make me bring the Borg into this situation.

Or, worse yet, attorneys.

:lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

dum di da da....do di dum da

*whistles away*

'I see, hear and know nothing Sir"!


Staff member
Q laughs at the Borg!!

Attorneys however, are not funny.....*shoots jello through a straw at flurf*


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
*not far down the road* SUPERGONZO remembers-We have Q & JOHNNY COCHRAN--mmmwwwhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa and SUPERGONZO is friends with Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise E, and his trusy companion Data

"So, run away you Evil CheezFlurff dude-we're covered" he says, as he catapults rice cakes covered in bran at Fury :lol:


Staff member
Yeah, and we have Johnny Quest, and Raji and Bandit too!! *throws gummy-worms at flurf*


Dear Sirs or Madams,

    This letter is being written to you on behalf of my client, fury. Fury is the exclusive owner of the copyrights and trademarks of cheese and the Borg, and is the exclusive owner of the right to fire extreme amounts of cheese on whichever target he chooses.

    Fury has recently learned that your messages posted at the website located at "http://www.xibase.com/vB" contains unauthorized libel and slander regarding cheese, and the Borg, a wholly owned subsidiary of the fury cheese justice enforcement agency.

    You are hereby put on notice that rebellion against the cheese storm attack in which this letter is mainly referring to constitutes unauthorized intellectual property use, unfair competition, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, and/or trademark dilution, and potentially subjects you to both criminal and civil sanctions.

    Fury hereby demands that you and all those who have acted in concert with you immediately cease any rebellion and unauthorized use of the Copyright and Trademark, whether intended or in jest, and that you delete from your messages posted on this web site all of the aforesaid Copyrights and Trademarks of my client. Should you not immediately do so, fury expressly reserves all of his rights to file a lawsuit against you to obtain damages for all past acts of infringement and an injunction to prevent any future infringement.

    I further request that you provide me with written confirmation before the close of business on August 6, 2001, that you have complied with these demands. If you do not do so, I will advise fury to take such action against you as it may deem appropriate.

    You are also requested not to wipe off or otherwise have the stain removed from any and all parts of your clothing from the cheese ball I will proceed to throw at you now.

    This letter is not a complete statement of fury's rights in connection with this matter, and nothing contained herein constitutes an express or implied waiver of any rights, remedies, or defenses of fury in connection with this matter, all of which are expressly reserved.

                    Very truly yours,
                    William B. Thornton, LLP


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
If the glove don't fit, you must aquit

We, the Jury, find the above named defendents-NOT Guilty in the trademark, et al, causes against them

SUPERGONZO tosses his cookies in excitement towards Fury & his stinking attorney :lol:


Staff member
Originally posted by William B. Thornton
I further request that you provide me with written confirmation before the close of business on August 6, 2001,
It was past the close of business on August 6,2001 when this letter was submitted. nyah nyaynya nyah nyah

*changes setting on pez dispenser to stun*


Staff member
The time zone of your Law agency is not recognized as official.

*changes setting on pez dispenser to 11(read:Spinal Tap)*