Originally posted by jayburner
I have a problem posting in a place that is named after a persons vanity licence plate.
Originally posted by krusty
Its funny not one person in this thread said they disliked JJR or his site, but you guys keep posting as though we had.
Originally posted by Stop Laughing
A laugh a minute? I wish. Oh wait, I just remembered what computer I'm using...
EDIT: JJR's just came back on, but lost about 6 days worth of posts.
Originally posted by kuulani
hi jjr friends and xibase friends. i missed reading all your humorous anecdotes. thought i'd check in.
at least i know i'm not missing anything at jjr's![]()
Originally posted by wdeep
I never disliked the people or the site. I even asked more than once to come back. I'm still waiting for my "second chance"...[/B]
I would say I'll miss some of the people who posted in OT on a regular basis, but I fully expect to see you elsewhere!
Well, I should say except at one particular site not worth mentioning. I posted a lot of trash there too because the place was such a bore! I got banned for life there but I don't give a rip because, like I said, the place - and people - were so incredibly DULL. I don't miss that place one whit.