OK What's with JJr's?



Congrats! You have got a 3 pager going. The first that I can remember, not saying there hasn't been one before.:yawn:


New Member
Originally posted by jayburner
I have a problem posting in a place that is named after a persons vanity licence plate.

It wasn't anmed after his vanity license plate. He edited the license plate number in the pictures of his car to say JJR 512. If you look close, that is a font that no state uses on license plates. I looked all over for a license plate font online when I was trying to design a logo for the site a year ago, and never found one.

I'm not saying you have to like him or his board, I'm just saying he didn't name it after his license plate. :)

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
A laugh a minute? I wish. Oh wait, I just remembered what computer I'm using... :o


EDIT: JJR's just came back on, but lost about 6 days worth of posts.


Its funny not one person in this thread said they disliked JJR or his site, but you guys keep posting as though we had.

Its been nice to have you all visiting though.


New Member
Originally posted by krusty
Its funny not one person in this thread said they disliked JJR or his site, but you guys keep posting as though we had.

I never disliked the people or the site. I even asked more than once to come back. I'm still waiting for my "second chance"... :rolleyes:


New Member
Hey, how could you say no to someone like this?



New Member
Originally posted by Stop Laughing
A laugh a minute? I wish. Oh wait, I just remembered what computer I'm using... :o


EDIT: JJR's just came back on, but lost about 6 days worth of posts.

Are you sure about that?

You don't have permission to access /forums/index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
The link in my above post works, but the url "jjr512.com" does not at this moment, it gets that message you just posted. I just tried it again to be sure, and it went there just fine.


New Member
I checked the link of SL and it does work Whoo Hoo !!!!. Anyways, just dropped by to see what all the fuss is bout. And now I know. :)


New Member
hi jjr friends and xibase friends. i missed reading all your humorous anecdotes. thought i'd check in.

at least i know i'm not missing anything at jjr's ;)


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by kuulani
hi jjr friends and xibase friends. i missed reading all your humorous anecdotes. thought i'd check in.

at least i know i'm not missing anything at jjr's ;)

Hi Kuulani!

Good to see you again... speaking of which, we need a picture in the Gallery of an Island Beauty! Gee... do we know anyone like that?:lurk:

Oh.. Yeah... Y O U!!! ;)

We like to see what kind of deviants we are associating with!:lol:


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
General Administrator

Registered: May 17th, 2000
Posts: 7945 If anything seems missing...it is, sorry (Jul 10, 2001 until Aug 10, 2001)
This message board was restored from a backup that was 2-3 days old at the time the board went down. Therefore, many new threads and replies are not here. I apologize for the inconvenience or disappointment this may cause.

Also, for the time being, most of the rest of the site is also absent. It may get restored soon, but we'll see.

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
Back to normalcy (more than before)

OK, now you can ignore the link in my previous post as it seems that JJR got it straightened out, and it's back at jjr512.com again, the above link will only go to a forum closed message. I think he'll merge the few replies from the board from the last day (the one that was 6 days behind) with the regular board, so it looks like he's back in business for now.


Where do you want to go today?
Originally posted by wdeep
I never disliked the people or the site. I even asked more than once to come back. I'm still waiting for my "second chance"... :rolleyes: [/B]


I would say I'll miss some of the people who posted in OT on a regular basis, but I fully expect to see you elsewhere!

Well, I should say except at one particular site not worth mentioning. I posted a lot of trash there too because the place was such a bore! I got banned for life there but I don't give a rip because, like I said, the place - and people - were so incredibly DULL. I don't miss that place one whit.


The snake speaks with two tongues... Never trust the snake!


hey everyone :)

Just dropped in to say hi and see what all the fuss was about. I like this place - lots of familiar faces ... and lots of BEER DRINKERS!!! WOOHOO!:lol: