NYC Warned of Possible Threats


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Huge & Trinity, lay low or get outta town this weekend.

Tue May 21, 8:55 PM ET
By DONNA DE LA CRUZ, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - The FBI (news - web sites) warned city officials Tuesday it had received uncorroborated information that terrorists have made threats against New York and some of its landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly characterized the information as "general threats" but patrols were increased at some popular sites, including the statue and the bridge.

A law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity said the information came from an unidentified detainee who spoke with the FBI. The threat did not mention any date or time for a possible attack.

The warning came one day before the start of Fleet Week, an annual maritime celebration expected to draw 6,000 naval personnel to the city through the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

It also comes about a week before the city plans to end search and recovery work at the site of the World Trade Center, where more than 2,800 people died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Kelly said the NYPD was prepared for "any eventuality."


Staff member
The whole point of terrorism is to strike terror into the hearts of its victims, and at that, it succeeds pretty well.

Who wouldn't be terrified that some maniac has the ability, and the purely evil heart, that is needed to completely destroy 3 civilian buildings and countless people's lives and families and severely damage a military building and all the lives affected by that damage, all in the course of a few hours?

Frankly, I'm not surprised that the terrorists are continuing to make threats, because they don't want people not to live in fear every waking moment. Bastards.

BTW, congrats on >3000 posts, Huge :smash:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
It appears that our FBI has had enough of the "why didn't you tell us" crap so now they are letting loose all the warnings they get just so nobody can say theu weren't warned. This will have an adverse reaction though. Just wait until Letterman & Leno start making jokes about them. We'll become complacent zombies once again.

I hope you bag over your limit Huge.