Need some ideas


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Summer is just about here. I want to get my kids involved in something they can learn at and have fun at the same time. None of them want to go to any kind of summer camp and I don't want them droning out in front of the TV all summer long. So, I've decided to get my oldest and second oldest involved in a one on one project. What I would like to do is create something for them to do. Something that would require a bit of time as summer is 3 months long, Not something that would take of their time of course, but something that would require more than a week to complete. Reading is good for them and they do a lot of theat already so that's a no go. What I would like them to do is use the Internet in someway to gather some information as well as the library. If you can help me gather some ideas up I would greatly appreciate it. Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks


New Member
We're considering building a gocart type thing with our 8 year old, or one of the whatever they're called (soapbox??) non-motorized ones.

how old are they? Boys? Supervised activity or unsupervised?

Birdhouses, forts (a real one with lumber etc) , plant a small veggie garden and they weed etc through the summer (mine always have enjoyed the fruits of their labour)


Staff member
Posty, how old are they again? And what kinda stuff are they already interested in?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
She's interested in science and he's interested in stuff like video games...typical boy stuff his age.


Staff member
Maybe she'd like to trace her family tree, where your ancestors are from and stuff.