Mysterious Leo Pheonix- from-


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak

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Take at FACE value. Please don't shoot the messanger.


From: Xinoehpoel ([email protected])
Subject: Re: 911
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
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Date: 2001-09-04 12:40:28 PST

Wait 7 days, and then maybe I'll answer this post. You
see, I am going away in seven days, and you will not hear
from me again.

Message 1 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel ([email protected])
Subject: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
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Date: 2001-09-11 07:43:26 PST

7 days ago I said in 7 days from then I would explain the
meaning of my 911 prophecy. A witness against everyone in
America!!! US, the cry of your sins
has reached unto heaven!!! Now I go away. The witness is
thus completed. After the witness, if the people don't
repent, there will AN EVEN GREATER witness, and an EVEN
GREATER punishment if the people do not repent. (Of
course they wont! Only individuals repent, never the
whole nation!) Don't be stupid SUSA. Bin Laden is not
responsible for these attacks. SATAN himself, the GOD of
the EARTH is responsible for these attacks, your own
KING!! Check your history, you'll see! They are a test to
see if Americans are STUPID
ENOUGH to go to war with a completely INNOCENT country
over it. To see if America is STUPID ENOUGH to arrest
INNOCENT people over it.

DAMN YOU MILITARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cup of your sin in almost full. God is going to pour
out his wrath all over America. Get the hell out right
now. Do not be partakers of the sins.
Quit your jobs. Go out into the deserted areas of the
earth. Live there instead. The world will be destroyed.
This is unavoidable. You can only try
to take a few people with you as you go. What more can
you do?


From: Xinoehpoel ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Xinoehpoel how?
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
View: Complete Thread (35 articles) | Original Format
Date: 2001-09-11 14:51:32 PST

As I said, this happened because God balances all sin that is committed in the whole earth. Most people do not understand how God operates. Those who believe He exists usually only think of him as a distant, impersonal Creator. They fail to understand that God is here with us, and through his angels He controls (brainwashes) all the masses through the mainstream
media. Most ignorant people on this planet really believe the rubbish they hear in the news. If they had actually taken the time to reasearch things for themselves they would find out it is all a bunch of bunk. God (Allah/Yahweh) is the True God, and Created the world less than 5700 years ago. THIS IS INDISPUTABLE FACT. Throughout that whole time he has executed justice to balance every wicked act committed in the whole world. Life is fair. The people who died, God rest their souls, were killed by Satan in
HOLY judgment. No stupid terrorist group is behind any of this. You will be hearing PROPAGANDA in the major media for the next few years that will lead to a nuke war in 2006. Speak against the war!!! Don't believe any of this crap. Get yourself to a desert to live there by 2006 AT THE LEAST. Be sure to tell everyone that Global warming is a BIG JOKE, but when it APPEARANTLY happens in 2007 it is NOT REALLY Global warming, but AN ACT OF GOD that has NOTHING to do with the warming of the planet NO MATTER how much the media tries to make it look that way. Tell them the prophesied judgment in 2Peter 3:5-7 is going to destroy the WHOLE world and there will be less than 3/4 of the world remaining. Anyone who doesn't believe this will probably die in the judgment. To learn how to live through the judgment, look up the prophecies of Padre Pio. Anyone who doesn't believe in a future massive judgment is probably going to die. THE END OF THE WORLD IS UPON US. Believe me, I know this. You are all in shock right now because two little towers collapsed and killed a few people. You have no perspective of what is going to happen hereafter! This is NOTHING compared to what is going to happen. I have warned you, so now do what I have asked. The good people of this world will surely be hounded by the government and many of them killed. No matter what you hear, understand first that it is the GREAT DECEPTION planned by Satan in order to TEST MAN to see if he will tolerate evilness and injustice. In the days following, very few will believe the Torah is a literal history of the earth. Many will be deceived by aliens, and imagine that God doesn't exist. Do not fall for this deception if you want to live.
Even if the aliens themselves COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN!!! The aliens are not our enemy, but WE are our enemy if we go along with anything the aliens require of us NO MATTER HOW EVIL and WICKED. Remember, it was Satan who caused David to sin by taking a census of Israel. If THAT was a sin back then, how much WORSE are Driver's license, Passports, all that other government BS. A lot of the inmates in federal prisons are actually better people than those on the outside. Mankind is completely brainwashed. To help a brainwashed person, it requires a drastic tragedy. These tragedies are to help the rest of us realize the truth. Without them, there is very little you could do to change a brainwashed person. Believe me, life as you know it will not be the same from now on. You do not WANT to be alive when the
TERRIBLE PUNISHMENT is executed on mankind. That alone is a good reason to RESIST the EVILNESS among you, starting with all the liars who parrot everything they hear in the news, saying we should attack Iraq, and that sort of trash. It makes you evil, don't you see, just for remaining silent! And if that makes you evil, how much more so when you don't do anything to resist it!!! What should you do then? Fight your OWN government, not Iraq's.
Your own evilness among yourselves. Don't be the hypocrites Jesus asked you not to be. Take the plank out of your own eye. Man says revenge. God says OK, only if you are holy. America is holy enough to execute revenge. Be holy yourself, and then you are able to resist the evil among you. Only afterwards are you capable of resisting the evil in other countries. But look what happens when America tries to "resist evil" in Kosovo!!! They make themselves evil bastards. Milosevic is innocent. America is going to burn.
Get the hell out of America. America sucks.
