My friend scared the hell out of me...

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
My co-worker and friend was with me aboard a train back to home yesterday. She complained all day about headaches and giddiness. Then we were talking about the weather and she said. "I'm not feeling fine". Someone gave his sit to her, then she went all white, and later, her skin turned yellow-green, she starred her eyes and her head fell to the right side. I couldn't feel her pulse and sense no noticeable breathing. I tried to shake her bay and head and talk to her. Opened her mouth to check if her tongue was not swallowed but her teeth were closed down. For something like 45 secs that seemed like an eternity she didn't react, then she did a movement like she would puke and the color returned to her face. We step down on our station and I stood with her until her boyfriend went to catch her. She said she were Ok, just tired like hell, but the headaches and bad feelings were over. I still don't know what she had, but I've seen people pass out before and it wasn't like that. I thought for a moment she was dead. I hope I never go thru that again. You just feel completely useless, damn :(


New Member
People who have seizures tend to have warning signs that come on beforehand. They smell something acrid or feel lightheaded... You said her teeth were clenched, she might have been having a seizure. If someone just faints, they're usually slack and relaxed. That could be caused by many different things, not just epilepsy, she should REALLY REALLY go to a doc and get a Cat Scan.

My friend Frank had a similar episode on a plane and they put him on dilantin (? can't remember if that's the name) and the seizures stopped. He was 28 at the time and had never had an episode beforehand, but they found he was an epileptic.

I don't want to scare you but if she doesn't want to go to the doctor, remind her that this could happen to her at any time--while eating and she could choke, while driving... It's important she get checked out.


Staff member
Agreed. Get her to go to the doc ASAP. My mom has never failed to take my youngest brother at the drop of a hat, due to him being asthmatic. This sounds like she may have a serious condition that could bring another seizure at any time.


New Member
I'm wondering if maybe she knows she has a problem but is embarrassed to say anything to you. Did her boyfriend seem concerned at all? Maybe both of you could talk to her, make sure she's getting help or will get help.


Staff member
Greenie might be right. People with serious conditions like that that know they have it might try to shrug it off as exhaustion or thin air or something.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
greenfreak said:
I'm wondering if maybe she knows she has a problem but is embarrassed to say anything to you. Did her boyfriend seem concerned at all? Maybe both of you could talk to her, make sure she's getting help or will get help.
Funny you mention that. I insisted in escorting her to the car, when we met there she said she had not 'felt better', I told him she has passed out(out=unconsious away=dead that's right?), then he said 'again'? I'll have a speak with her today in reservation. I thought of many possibilities last night, some kind of brain issue, heart problems and shared my opinions with her. Fact is she is overly tense. She takes things too hard and just seem unable to relax. May be some kind of emotional stress. Any way is not be taken lightly.
Do someone bother to explain 'seizure' for me? Babel didn't gave any understandable meaning.


New Member
A seizure can be anything from passing out to laying on the ground flopping like a recently caught fish. Normally you want to be careful the person doesn't lay flat on their back or their toungue can block their own airway and they can suffocate. Ever hear of Epilepsy?

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I heard of but never saw it happening. No flopping, she just stood immobile, that's why I didn't think of it. I tried to check her tongue, that was when I noticed her teeth were 'clenched'. Another interesting thing is that she mentioned having a 'dream' while at it!


Staff member
Check out this link about seizures at WebMD. It may be of use to you, especially since this was not her first seizure (assuming so, since her bf said "again?")

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Ah, seizure = convulsion, thanks for that link. She qualifies for that symptoms. I'll have a serious talk with her...


New Member
There's such a thing as focal seizures that affect only one part of the body like your arm. But someone can have a seizure and no body convulsions.

passed out(out=unconsious away=dead that's right?),

:laugh: Yes, that's right. Passed out=unconcious, passed away=dead.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Stubborn woman! Well, she finally went to the doc a week after. He requested some exams, just to be sure, but diagnosed what we already felt: nervous colapse. He believes the high levels of stress caused excess of adrenelin in her blood. He advised of the long term brain damage that can occur if she don't change her way of life. She simply hasn't the ability to vent out, gathering all her problems and closing inside. A plain nervous clock-bomb if you ask me. I tried to call her attention saying friends were for that, but looks like she'll have to suffer drawback before learning :(


New Member
That seems a little strange to me... What kinds of tests did he order? A CAT scan? Or just blood tests?

The thing that worries me is the clenched jaw. Anytime I had patients who passed out, they were slack jawed.

Maybe if it is nervousness and stress, she might do well to pick up some kind of sport to get out her frustration. Like boxing. :)

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I suggested boxing :D I'm not sure what exams she's going to do she's not in much mood for conversation today. I know one of them is an eletroencephalogram(rw?) (you know they put some sensors in your head to mesure cerebral activity). She's less than 3 months in the company, still hasn't right to the health plan, I guess she won't pay for the expensive stuff yet...


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
There are some pretty darn good methods for handling stress out there these days. Physical activity is one of them, but a whole lot of it is mindset.

Has she considered seeing a mental health professional?

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
An eletro and a CAT scan taht's it. Steve, she did therapy for years, appears as she don't follow his analyst advice properly...