Our Twins have played well all season.
But that will not stop Bust Selig from trying to contract them as soon as he is able to.
Earlier this summer, he said their success was an "
He still believes that you cannot build a winner within your own organization.
He believes winning organizations must be bought, and that small market teams cannot afford to buy wins.
He thinks by eliminating the Twins, he can tap the Minnesota TV market, however small it is, for his Brewers. Added revenue for his Brewers, to go out and buy a winner.
The Twins Championships in 87 and 91, were done with in house talent, Puckett, Hrbek, Viola, Gaetti, Gagne, Laudner, Knobloch and trades with shrewed aqusitions at bargain basement prices, Brunansky, Reardon, Baylor, Morris, Gladden, Aguilera, Tapani, Chilli Davis, Shane Mack.
These Championships weren't bought, they were manufactured the old fashioned way.